Tuesday, February 23, 2010
by the river
i'm sinking into the the bright red wine mixed with whiskey that is joanna newsoms voice.
Mellow and calm at moments; biting and resonant in others, this new album is off the proverbial HOOK
Monday, February 22, 2010
i saw you last night
[insert: yes, yes I know we are everything that's wrong with everything. ever.]

I was about to wax poetical(?) philosophical(?) about it but there is literally nothing redeemable about the HAnzMonTANZ. Even writing about it makes me queasy.
What doesn't make me quee-say is Joanna Newsom NEW ALBUM
but here is Zach Condon.
once again
Sunday, February 21, 2010
i can take
There was half day at work today. It was kinda awesome. It’s was only kinda awesome b/c, duh, we obvs had to go to work in the first place. And that is NO FUN. unless you work as a…I just spent 10 minutes (only 5) trying think of a job that is fun. I did think of one, but I then quickly chastised myself on having dreams. Ef ya’ll dreamz.
So anywinterishere, we had half a dizzy at wizzy (ugh why do I do that?). But it was basically like not being at work at all b/c everyone was all excited about getting the h-town outa doge. So peeps had a lot of energy and it made the half a day go super fast. Then I went home and SLEPT. My favorite pastime.
And Memorizing.
(I guess Reading too but evz I ain’t smart)
The snowy day has nice b/c, besides the whole no work/more sleep thing, it just reminded me of being young. Waking up in the morning turning on channel 4 and waiting for Huron County public schools to be closed. It would still be dark enough out, that falling right back to sleep would be as easy as falling asleep the night before, anticipating a snow day, was difficult. Then boom, out like a light until the sun rose for real this time. Putting on the standard, or perhaps, sub-standard snow gear, (fuck snow pants), and heading out to frolic in the snow.
Or later getting up late, then having to walk to school n e ways, because we still had rehearsal/practice and those sets weren’t going to paint/build themselves. Those lines won’t be learned themselves (even though they totally would’ve been...psych!). Those push-ups/sit-ups laps wouldn’t do/run themselves (nope they wouldn’t’ve…ya burnt). But it was still fun b/c it wasn’t school.
Then EVEN LATER, what? no class? time to drink! Welcome to college, when any excuse was one to drink.
Writing a paper?
Finished a paper?
Good rehearsal?
Bad rehearsal?
Good sex?
Bad sex?
Friend issues?
Snow Day?
Oh lordy, thanks America for a generation of, somewhat, intelligent alcoholics.
Back to the point (?). Snow days are nice. Even though I did none of those things. The memories the snow day brought back were nice and also the underlying feeling that they could happen was still there. I could go out and play or drink. But instead since I’m a sixty year old trapped in a 23 year olds body with the vocabulary of a thirteen year old (girl), I just went to sleep and watched Clue!
I’m shouting..
I’m shouting
I’m shouting
I’m shou-
Saturday, February 20, 2010
beautiful like a
I had a long ass day at work and tomorrow is going to be another long ass day, but New York is getting ready for some kinda storm that will turn New York into the fictional New York from Escape from New York or the New York from The Day Before the Day After Tomorrow in New York, Yesterday at Dusk in the Winter. How many times can I say New York. A lot, that’s how many. But, it’s supposed to be bad or whatever but I still have to go to work at eight so that
fucking sucks.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
clean as a
thanks to ds7 we got the e-net!
more like squeeee-netz? eh amirite? of course
anyway there will be a couple of posts written during the dark times.
as follows.
previously on wonkster:
so I started and subsequently continued watching MTV’s True Life: I Want the Perfect Body.
the premise of this v. spesh episode of a series that’s all about special situations is this; these fools want the perfect body BUT they are NOT going to use plastic surgery. I’m not sure whether this includes steroids or eating disorders. I don’t care. I started watching this show and I immediately disliked all these peepz. Not only because I believe that X-tremes are idiotic and all things in life should be taken in moderation, but also because, they try to make their struggle not only universal but DEEP. The second, in theory, I’m fine with but the first is just not, super not true, that’s why you are on this show, because you are an outlier and kinda a freak. This might as a well be called True Life: I’m on MTV’s version of a Freak Show. That ISN’T The Jersey Shore. But, I guess they occasionally stumble upon human truths about insecurities/narcissism and the desperate attempt to mold themselves into something for someone else.
There is a part of me that feels bad, it seems like these people, especially the lady that is trying to be a beauty pageant, is thinking that she is trying to look good for herself but in reality and the nature of pageantry, you are conforming yourself to someone else’s idea of beauty/intelligence and poise. It’s the lack of self awareness is what is the killer. I’m not picking on her, the bodybuilder bro is just as desperate as she is. He is turning himself into a prized bull to be paraded around for his body, just like she.
There is one pseudo-relatable one, Ryan, the one that is going to play footingballs in Notre Dame. At least there is a more “legitimate” reason for his drive. Playing football for prestigious football school, because he got a scholarship for and he needs to perform his best because his academic future is also ahead of himself. So, good? Even though there’s always that whole: too much footyballz no enough book learnin’. So he’ll have to negotiate that. And competitive sports is one of those hit’n’miss one in a million other clichéd sayin’s kinda thang.
The bodybuilding bro, no longer seems human. I look at his body and can’t imagine that there could be person in there. Even they soon stop seeing themselves as hu-monz, but rather as machine they need to tune and not derive any pleasure with. The moment I was completely alienated from the bodybuilder was when he was all, “don’t eat food for taste, only fuel,” or some jive I was all psssssssssssssssssh. You are a robot.
I try not to associate with robotz.
If I likened bodybuilder bro to a robot/animal, I liken beauty pageant to a painting/animal. It’s the idea of beauty with the slight veneer of personality. It’s the ultimate illusion where you would assume a pretty girl also has a pretty personality. That sparkling eyes, behind all that make up, have depth to there shine. But you know; bitches be crazy. That’s just what it seems to me and my own ideas of beauty and validation. Her badge of honor is the fact that she hasn’t had any plastic surgery. Which is kinda refreshing, BUT, if she is trying to conform herself, why not go all the way with a silicon/saline. I guess we all have our scruples.
One thing bout all these robot-people, is that they are dedicated. Some (I) would say creepily so. So good luck robot-humans.
Hope your dreamz come true.
Or something.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
we lay on our
NOT what i was expecting for Saturday.
Here are a list of things I do on a Saturday
Thursday, February 11, 2010
maybe this time
There are a lot of things that can be said and that will be said, much better than I can say them . So that's that and this is this.
McQueen was a designer that really got me excited about clothes and reaffirmed my faggified belief that designing clothes is art and could even reach the point of high art.
So that's that for me
and this is this

bon soir

That's basically it. It's VD day soon and I'm going to spend it eating fried foods at a friends house.
so suck it being alone and fat. I'll be with company.....and fat.
whatever by clogging my arteries i'll make sure that i'll never be alone, becuase i'll be dead, or perhaps have gained the weight of another person.
options! who says the modern man/woman/child/person of trans experience and drag queen can't have it all!
grrrrrrrl espesh darg queenz
start yo enginez
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
now the party don't
After a long and semi-arduous day at work as I enter the key to the front door of the apartment and hear the sweet click-swish and walk in to the warmth of my American apty but NO. the key went click-“fuck you, you ain’t getting in here you stupid little man. You are going to be doomed to live the rest of your days on the streets of brkyln only finding shelter at your work. Food? You think your too good to look in the dumpster? Well listen up buckaroo you aren’t; it’ll be stale crust and moldy vegetables until you catch scurvy then rickets and die on the street.”
That’s what it said to me.
I took it in stride.
Got the roomie, DS7, to help and thanks to our incessant hemming and galumphing, we got a neighbor to pop his head out his apty and was all “wtf?” And we shook and scratched our heads mumbling and pointing “door…..broked? landlord called” So as a man of action, and as a person that works in construction! And is in a band! He got a screwdrive and knocked the door the fuck down. Man 1. Door 1(since it did keep me out). To our benefit, we were thinking about getting our screwdriver, but we pussied out because….what if the Lord of the Landing, got mad!? Well evz, we (I) got in and chatted with Sidings (that’s the name of his band) and told the landlord what the fuck happened. Then DS7 and I ran away in the safety of our apty. After introductions and awkward conversation (the house specialty!).
And theeeeeeeeeeen, our (stolen) internet stopped working! How dare our neighbors want to protect what is rightfully theirs. Psh!
I cooked my dinner. Was subsequently to tired to eat it and too distracting to make it any good. I over spiced my rice and put too much water. I SCREWED UP RICE. YEAH NO FOOLINZ.
So I’m righting this in my bed, with my salty lunch packed for tomorrow.
C u tomorrow future wonkster, hope you enjoy your lanch past wonkster made for you.
eat it
Monday, February 1, 2010
look around
I started my training on the front desk on the first floor. So if any of you reading this know were I work, come on down and visit me! Maybe I'll sign you u to get an HIV test! But I prolly won't sonce NO ONE READS THIS.
The weekend left me with a bruised foot, a scraped knee and a whole lot of stories that I refuse to tell anyone but those that already know about it! So Rice and Tee (yeah they now me) [see what i did there?] DS7, Warbles and 1/4rican now all 'bout it 'bout it. And that's all i'ma talk bout that.

DECADENCE (kinda medieval decadence) Extravaganza Eleganza! Other Gay Words!
I talked Tee's ear off like Jo-Jo Newsy was the second coming of musak.
I love her.
Speaking of love Lady G' wore this at the GRAMMAY'S
[insert: other gay exclamatory's]

da-da do-do'tin