Sunday, November 28, 2010

el aire que respira

Jay - We're headed the right way...? Right?

Kay - ...Yes...probably...definitely.

Jay - What makes you say probably?

Kay - We're fine.

Jay - You just/

Kay - /I know what you're gonna say "You sounded so hesitant" "you waited to long to respond"

Jay - Yes and Yes

Kay - I said I would get us there and that's what I'm doing.

Jay - With your incredible sense of direction

Kay - I don't see you helping.

Jay - Constructive criticism/

Kay - /Is not a real form of helping. Plus! it's not what you're doing.

Jay - Don't tell me what I'm doing.

Kay - I'm telling you what you're NOT doing. Difference.

Jay - Ha! Semantics!

Kay - God! What are you doing to help?

Jay - ...Conversation?

Kay - Argument is not conversation.

Jay - Yeah sure it's not

Kay - What would stop me from leaving you here? You don't know where we are...

Jay - Shut up neither do you...that's why we stopped/

Kay - ONLY a vague idea where we're going/

Jay - Please! You don't know any better than I do


Jay - Are we headed the right way?

Kay - Oh, I'll get us there. Even I have to murder and drag your body 100 miles/

Jay - Seriously that far?/

Kay - JUST so you'll stop asking if we're headed the right way.

Jay - You wouldn't be able to carry this much weight.

Kay - What're you; a buck 70? 80?

Jay - Thanks Paul Bunyun. There's a difference between dead weight and non-dead weight

Kay - Undead weight.

Jay - Night of the living, day of the. dawn of the, all movies about heavy think moving bodies
barreling towards you with no escape in sight.

Kay - Their arms, legs, their whatevers would break so easily.

Jay - Rot, decay. Time.

Kay - Solution. I'll wait a few days; brush away the maggots, worm etc. and then we'll see who's
carrying who.

Jay - Whom

Kay - ....fine....

Jay - So you're saying that it would take a few days?

Kay - Yeah, you know, to make sure enough is eaten away.

Jay - Or to get there, I mean if it's going to take a few days,
I mean if you have the time, I mean need the time to wait...

Kay - The soft tissue would go first. I guess the eyes, the fat

Jay - Because you said you knew how to get there.

Kay - And enough would fall away from the tougher, resilient, annoying stuff

Jay - And we've been walking for a while

Kay - Then just give a good ole heave

Jay - So you/

Kay - Jesus. We're here.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Boink-Boink in the Oink-Oink

After a rocky start, everything seems to be coming together. Yes, after the trains, the walking, the bus, things are starting to look up.

It's the holidaze. Well it's one particular holiday!


pssh spanksgiving.

And we're all up in Upstate's snatch and it smells good (ughhh gross)!

Now any other liberal would take this space and talk about, indigenous genocide and stolen lands and misappropriation of history etc...

But not here, not now because, while all those things are true and are even more important to talk about; it's annoying.

Espesh if it's done stuffily (stuffingly?).

What I'm talkin' 'bout is delicious food in large quantities and fresh air and drinking at like 12 noon and walking up the next day at about 11!

It's about being with people that love you and that you love and being able to escape the city and walk around in the dark without seeing the constant lights from buildings and street lamps, only seeing the occasional car's headlights disappear, it's red back end winking out of existence.

It also about feeling a little bit of that loneliness that comes when you remember past holiday's and thinking about the people that you once spent them with and the next time you'll see them.

It's also about obscenely stuffing your face with as much Glazed Ham as humanly possible. I almost wrote Glazed Hamm which would also be delicious in amore erotic kinda way; possibly (definitely) stickier.

At the end of my second heaping helping (ole school 'lliteration) o'ham/garlic mashed potatoes/cranberries sauce/biscuits, I swore off of food.
Until the coffee/pumpkin cheesecake/walnut cookies came out.
GAME ON my friends

And this left use around 7 in the evening which lead to much beer and wine and cognac with much playing of card games!


Who a new a game that's almost essentially for old white ladies would be somemuchfun?

Well maybe not so surprising since THANKSGIVING is a holiday essentially celebrating old white people! (<----- political!)

Then a nice little walk near some woods, where if we had somehow stubbled into a scary movie I would most certainly be the first to die. Not because I'm a double minority but because I'm a slutty double minority. I was excited and I ran to the cemetery, grabbed Mr. 6'4'' and started getting my mack on.

This would be the point on the story, when I would stop and say, "What did you here that?" (which I did say)

Mr. 6'4'' "wonkster stop playing around"

"no seriously, wait here" (which I did say)

I would walk up the hill closer to woods, flashlight in hand, leaving Mr. 6'4'' behind no flashlight but safer near the road. I would turn back flashlight point at Mr. 6'4''. All of a sudden there would be a rustle and a rush my light would go out, the sound of tearing flesh whether by instrument, teeth or claws (depending on the genre) would be heard, I would be dead and Mr. 6'4'' would be left alone to run back to the house and see how the rest would play out.

But it didn't happen that way.



Thursday, November 11, 2010


I've made some changes to this piece of shit.

look it's Yelle!

It looks pretty kewl right?

look! It's El Guincho! Look! It's NSFW

(for a whoooooole bunch a titties)

It's kinda misogynist but it looks cools so it's a'ight right?



Wednesday, November 3, 2010

yeah but yeah but why

I most (what is 1, 2?) people that ready this blog know, I like to make loud and proud proclamations (<---- that took me like 4 times to get the right spelling...i also had to use spell check...) about what I'm doing and blah blah.

I j-j-joined a gym. For the low low price of $75 you too can join your local NEW YORK CITY gym. Well state run Y...but but the one near me has a nice pool. so ey'body can suck it.

suck it hard

suck it long and hard

...ummmm this isn't that type o'blog pervert.

So yes, your truly has joined a gy-um no matter how, to use a classist and apparently kinda racist term, "podunk" it still counts. Pretty soon I'll be...all...I can't even think of an adjective of what my body will look like because unless I get a personality transplant, my xxxercise will be inconsistent at best.

I have started drinking more water, so that's something.

I have started thinking about starting eat better. So, while I'll still eat a burger and sweet potato fries, I'll feel bad about eating that meal. Sorta.


but only a little...