Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ya Burnt!

Thursday, I had a fake day at work. A really posh (posh!? I thought we were in *MERICA!?!?) fancy restaurant interviewed me to be a bus-boy now known as busser because bus-boys can also have vagina's.
they had me come in later on Thursday (the same day I had my interview) and had my trial with another busser to see how the job is done in a fancy restaurant.
Having never:
Worked at a fancy restaurant
Eatin at a fancy restaurant
Been inside a fancy restaurant
(I have seen many on TV/Movies)
I was a little unprepared.
But nothing horrible went wrong. It seemed like an OK place. The staff was friendly, especially ivan and juan, (fellow bussers).

Friday, came and went and I got a call from a company, but i missed their call, so I will call them and make them hire me.
I did get to hang out with state, he's a really interesting guy with awesome style, and I hung out with him and a couple of other ___sters.
Saturday, writer and I hung out, watched some 30rock, met up with hiker after her day at the restaurant. Hung out at DUKES made friends with some dalmatians and writer and I accidentally underestimated some guys musical knowledge, even though he ended up not knowing the band we were talking about. It...was...a little awkward.
Then writer and I headed to Berlin.
not this Berlin:
But a club. Where the music was fine but the people watching was better. We say a really awkward/funny dancing foursome....I think you would have to be find it...funny

Friday, July 18, 2008

A Plague on the Workhouse

Nothing to fancy to report.
Still jobless
Still penniless
Still ____less

Wall-E is actually too good, too good for words:
2 good 4 words
2 good 2 function (?)
2 kewl 4 skool (?)

Remember Johnny 5 !?!?!

(don't sue me M.I.A, since I know you're one of my avid readers)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Goin' to the Chapel...

Well I'm back from OH, once again in IL feasting on rice and veggies!
The wedding went smoothly.
I remembered to pick up my tux
I gave the ring at the right moment
I didn't cry/vomit/kill myself when my friend said "I do" and kissed his wife
I wrote a speech and didn't forget it
I danced the Y.M.C.A. (this was a a wedding were I was the only P.O.C., which I think explains the music choice)
I didn't get drunk

I think I do the list thing because I'm not creative enough to continually think of good words to type down. Did you see that? "Good words to type down"? What the hell! I think I just solved the mystery as to why I can't get a job! Hmmm maybe that's something I can do. Figure out why people can't get jobs. That would be it though, I couldn't help them improve I'd just give them the knowledge as to why they are unemployed! Oh wait, thats what parents are for. Damn.

On the plus side my megabus did catch on fire a block and a half before reaching the final destination. Lucky for me I didn't put any luggage in the bus, I just had my backpack, as soon as I got off the bus I was out of there. Yay megabus!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Peach, Plum

Tomorrow I head off to my hometown, for my bestfriends wedding (not the movie) where I will be bestman. All I can think about is:
1. How expensive the tux is to rent
2. How I'm getting back home from Ohio
3. How I'm going to keep paying rent/bills/life
4. Why veronica mars such a good show
5. Why the Fleet Foxes song White Winter Hymnal is so good
6. When is our M.I.A coverband gonna start rehearsal
7. When are scientist going to figure out McDoz is good for you
8. Seriously, why is veronica mars so damn good

oh and this:

Anyone know where I can find one?
And also are lists my new schtick?
What about questions?
Is my list not really questions because I don't end every part with a "?"?
Does this remind anyone of another blog?

Monday, July 7, 2008

Summer Time and the Livin' is Hard/Expensive

This weekend was one of the most random/fun weekends I've had since moving to the Chicago. Having no job yet (someone please hire me, seriously) My weekend started Thursday night. Well having no job everyday is a weekend since weekends and weekdays are usually marked by job work/school work/anything, besides the nothing, I feel like I'm doing all the time.
I digress.
I hung out with the writer and hiker on thursday night. This was their designated splurg night and they decided come into the city. It was interesting, we went to w---- park but we found ourselves surrounded by yuppies and being charged 4 dollars for budlight! And then we went to a club that was playing house music. It started out ok then the music seemed to get worse and worse until not only were we surrounded by yuppies not dancing but also listening to embarrassingly badly music. Cringe worthy even. So we left and walked around scouting places out for next time.

Friday, quarter-rican, LemofPin, blueline and e-ton ended up at a bar near DePaul, and that was on of the funniest nights ever. The bar itself was, once again overpriced but the people watching made it worthwhile. Thursday night I was surrounded by yuppies, Friday night we were surrounded by bros! And man, were they having a blast! And so were there expense..But this is kind of a win-win-win situation of judgement. 
1.) We got to make fun of people that we do not know and can only assume are horrible, thank to their manner of dress and their behavior.
2.) They didn't care because they are "too cool" and way to "mature" to care about some alt-ish weirdos that lost their way and ended up at this awesome bar.
3.)Everyone was drunk. Except, I guess this where they lose, we were not nearly as embarrassing/slutty.

Saturday, quarter-rican, LemofPin, blueline, or visiting friend jerseypeace and I went out yet again! This time we were sick of the bros and the yuppies so we found a goth club. We had jusst gotten finished with a rousing game of scattegories(!!!!!) and we walked by a dark alley and we saw people going in. So we obviously ended up going inside. duh. 
This was the best decision ever, not only was the people watching amazing, all the goths seemed very nice and not complete douchewhores like the bros and also the music playing was actually pretty good tcchno/dark/industrial. So we danced and people watched. But I can only stay so long in a goth club until I start thinking I'm about to be initiated into some kind of cult. Here's to open mindedness!

Oh and I also went out during the day. Thurs I went with quarter-rican and her dad and sis to the taste and almost got trappled by the crowd. Oh and I met a very cute blues musician named Conner the way to meet the writer and hiker. Fri, I went with my family to the taste and did not almost get trampled. Sat, I went with the fam to the lake and saw some christians doing interpretive hip-hop for jesus.

Then we had Chip Club on Sunday!

Give me a job! plz?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

what up bro?!

Yo, after having a killer night at this totally kick ass bar that was playing all the illest jams, this post could  not have been more warranted. I mean the chicks were totally diggin me. Who could blame them?! I had my best gear on; faded jeans with my ambecrombie stripped button down, and my hair was lookin perf! 
Oh man this one chick was a total freak! She had on a stripped black and white dress on with a red belt, I didn't notice this (I mean, I not a fag, bro) but my friends were all talking about her. And damn! She looked good on the dance floor, her hands in the air with that totally rad glow in the dark bracelet. I totally ended up hookin' up with her.
Yo the only downer of the night where these total losers that were sitting at a booth. They dressed like weird0s and one of them was a total fag, bit whatever, jokes on them, I didn't let them ruin my night. One of my buddies totally jacked one of their bikes (who the fuck rides bikes and doesn't get a freakin cab all the time, bro!??!) and totally fooled the guy into thinking someone else did.

All in all a fuckin rad night yo. Fuckin rad bro. 

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Seiche Warning

Apparently during really(rly?) bad stormy weather - not the song - around a lake there can b what is called a seiche. It's kind of like a tsunami but on the lake and not as big. So like a mini/baby/developmentally challenged tsunami. And Chicago had a seiche warning today.
All the other pictures that I google image searched were too science-y, nothing but charts and blah blah blah, so instead I went for a retro looking picture.
ANYWAY, yeah there was a lot of rain and according to a local bar tender a seiche hadn't hit Chicago in 25 years.
Seiche kind of sounds like a dirty word. Almost like I should be writing about it but someone else should. It sounds a like a ladies downstairs equipment, her sausage wallet, her...I'm no good at this. It sounds like I'm trying to hard to talk about vaginas. So I'll stop and let the master do it.
Today I had my interview at the gap, it was a group interview so the entire time when I wasn't answering a question I just wanted to scream "GIVE ME THE JOB NOW, THANKS" but I couldn't do that now could I? Could I?

On the plus side quarter-rican's dad and sister are visiting us. So for now we have food in abundance (bacon!), plus I bought "Clue" and "Aladdin" on VHS! 
well I should sleep because I have to get up earlish to go take care of ezaboos and hotMess's cat...and watch their cable