The wedding went smoothly.
I remembered to pick up my tux
I gave the ring at the right moment
I didn't cry/vomit/kill myself when my friend said "I do" and kissed his wife
I wrote a speech and didn't forget it
I danced the Y.M.C.A. (this was a a wedding were I was the only P.O.C., which I think explains the music choice)
I didn't get drunk

I think I do the list thing because I'm not creative enough to continually think of good words to type down. Did you see that? "Good words to type down"? What the hell! I think I just solved the mystery as to why I can't get a job! Hmmm maybe that's something I can do. Figure out why people can't get jobs. That would be it though, I couldn't help them improve I'd just give them the knowledge as to why they are unemployed! Oh wait, thats what parents are for. Damn.
On the plus side my megabus did catch on fire a block and a half before reaching the final destination. Lucky for me I didn't put any luggage in the bus, I just had my backpack, as soon as I got off the bus I was out of there. Yay megabus!
i'm riding a megabus this weekend, now i'm all scared! at least you made it back alive, this time.
ps: aubrey gave me the link to all the blogs
rafael, you are hilarious. your blog is cracking me up.
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