[insert bonnie raitt which google tells me sung that song]

Day 2 of living in this crazy wacky world we call the THEATRE.
And by wacky crazy I just mean that we started staging the play I'm in. But that was after I spent all day at work anticipating going to rehearsal.
Seriously, all day. I mean work is fine. The people are nice but it's like I'm just there and it's just ______ and that is all. I did get free pastries though. That's a plus!
[insert fat machine/love machines]

I'm still kinda awkward around these theater folks because they all know each other and they are really nice but being the social incompetent that I am sometimes I just stand there while everyone is having conversations about art and theatre. Literally, all. I. do. is. stand. there.
I did see a play about superheroes.
It' kinda reminded me of Dr. ________ by ________Whedon
[insert dreamboat]

But it was good then I got to faux modern dance and do a chekhov monologue.
NOT at the SAME time.
silly goose.
1 comment:
you t*rd.
On August 28th I wrote an entry called "let's give 'em something to blog about." Then many MANY days later you title your entry this?
F*ck you, Larry.
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