After an ok/long week at work (people ask me for help! wtfffff??)
It's only because they are new and they know even less then me (shocked? well. so. was. I.)
The weekend is among us!
And in honor (honour?) of the weekend I have grown accustomed to wear a BOW TIE
[insert picture of me wearin a bow tie (indulgent? yes. but it's my blog so STFU)]

Friday we had Chip Club which was great. Quarter-rican invited some SIAC friends and we hade homemade pizza! Then writer came over and we had:
Stock Market Crash/Economic Crisis chips. Which means, we chose chips that one could/would/and possible will end up eating in the Great Depression 2.0.
[insert depressing breadline picture which could potentially be our future but with whimsical editing!]

Once that awesomeness ended me and bow tie went out for a little.
It was pretty standard evening, just kidding, it was fun, just kidding it was ok I danced a lot, just kidding I danced a little because my leg got cut off! Just kidding some one stepped on my toe, just kidding I stepped on someones toe they were mad, just kidding they really enjoyed it, we went home together, just kidding that happened in a movie I saw, just kidding it wasn't a movie it was porn, just kidding it was a play produced by my friend ezaboo in chicago! Just kidding it was in new york, just kidding it wasn't ezaboo it was tony kushner just kidding it was me with kushner but it wasn't any good just kidding it's great and it's on right now this is the play you're in it too just kidding your only the audience did you like it! just kidding just kidding just kidding.
Sunday I went to a show with writer it was fun, but every moment is going to be bittersweet with her because she's going to be in france in less than 10 days.
[insert randO picture when I googled small village south of france]
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