Oh, to go back to those times when I kept my friends close and my enemies so close we're almost kissing.
[insert picture of THE BEST COMEDY ON TV]

And by enemies I mean friends and by friends I mean
freinemies and my freinemies I have no idea what I mean because I think freinemies is a word that people born in the 90s say..
the 1990s, so I'll stick with the original
friends. All my smart friends went abroad.
But those who were the truly smart ones were here in Chicago to watch:
[insert "yes we can"]

Sorry to get political all in this blog. I'll stick with my M.O.
Love you barry bam-bam; mean it.
All I did was:
hang with ezaboo, hotMess and teach
drink some beerz (alcohol and politics go together like alcohol and work)
drool over Anderson Cooper
get crazy inspired by the results
get struck with how beautiful Barack's acceptance was (such well crafted rhetoric yall)
So that's here I am right now.
Much like my country I feel like I'm ready for something different.
Is this the beginning of new chispter ;( blog?
...probably no, I refuse to take the e-netz too srsly (seriously)
[insert 80z picture]

I just want to have fun, but be a boy, is that allowed?