Monday, November 10, 2008

sly like a fox; hungry like a wolf

I just laughed really loudly at the sight of a child crying. . . 
Don't worry it was only a child on the tee-vee not a real child. So. . .I'm not that bad. My heart does have the capability to be touched, and not even in the dirty way! I mean just look at these goddamn fucking puppies.
[insert picture of puppiezzz]

Oh quarter-rican and I met our next door neighbors. They were nice! 
I felt like a young adult professional! Wait! That's not good! I felt like a young nouveau bohemian arteest! Wait! No! That's still not right! 

Moving on! I had dinner this weekend with old friends from high school.
[insert my worst nightmare]

It was fun! It was awkward! Mind you, I haven't spoken to these particular old friends in five years. 5 YEARZ! 
It was strange, kinda being confronted with an old life, through people that only knew the old you, you know? I mean, 5 years is a long time, some might even say "loooooong tyme." But it was interesting, catching up, reminiscing.

Other than that......

Enjoy this song by The Finches it's called O Goetingen....I just call it little city big town
whatevz it's totez awes

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