Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Well, it's been awhile since my last blizzog (blog) pizzost (post). Pizzost kinda sounds like piss post or pizza post! Respectably gross and delicious. 

I've been wanting and eating pizza for a while as I'm writing this I can only think of pizza. Pizza with pepperoni and mushrooms and onion and green peppers and nomnomnonnom.....
Alright, that's enough of that yall. 

Oh, I got into a show in case any of yall are interested. It's a pretty fun show and e'erbody pretty G D cool.

So that's that. 

I've also gained a thousand pounds. I'm trying to keep up with Oprah!

Was that mean? She might kill me, I mean I do live in Chicago...

Welll if you don't hear from me:
Oprah killed me, personally, in cold blood, with her bare hands, and a steak knife (because she would be eating a buffet as she murdered me).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what play what play what play?
it better be the birthday party
or into the woods.

and is this hypothetical buffet an old country buffet?

the code word for verifying this post? that's right, CANCER

c'est tout. <-- look FRENCH