1. i'm a loser
2. i'm lazy
3. i'm too busy watchin ANTM (in know i know, evz the 1st season was hellsa good hellsa good i say)
4. i'm just really sleeepy
5. i have swine flu (probably no joke a case of the pork pandemic [is that right? i don't care it's alliterative (sp??)] was found in Rogers Park

Friday I went with specs and a new friend artzkewl to the MFA art show at the SAIC. And there was some amazing work there.
one of my favorite pieces was a taxidermied hog back (HOG THEMED BLOG POST) with a video installation inside of it the was a scene of innards spliced with a running in the woods scene with a woman breathing heavily.
Of course my summary is lacking since i'm totez in articulate.
<3 art suk suk suk my arthole oh i found another of my fav pieces b/c sometimes i like kinda of gawdy art

Then specs, quarter-rican, our friend abfab (they met up with specs n i) and artzkewl all went out for a drizzink.
Once we parted ways artzkewl and i hug out a lil more then the night (knite?) ended.
Yestah-day (saturday) writer and i went ot hte hippity hoppity leavez we were joined by exaboo later

Then ezaboo and i went to some other bar and then we went hommmmmmmme!
Today, as i wrote earlier i did nothing. Oh wait i did go to the grocery story and while i was listening to my ipodz i started doing this dancing thing AND THEN I REALIZED I WAS OUT IN PUBLIC AND NOT IN MY APT
oh lord
oh and also there is a b-day party going on outside of my window, they are having fun and cornholing :(
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