[insert whatever don't talk to me]

But now i'm feeling whatever! and hopefully that'll last for whatever
[insert whatever please talk to me!]

what a great way to start livin' in a new citay, being sick. but you know what? now that i feel better i can start working on my life to make sure it doesn't suck. I mean i got a job in chikago i can get a job in new york right?
[insert not a again]

on the plus side i have been hanging out with friends that i haven't seen in like a year.
one. whole. year. some for two years. two. whole. years.
i almost wrote hole years (heh hole)
I've been doing things like having dinners and going to parks and going on roofs.
roofs! i'm so urban! eh? also eating ribs. and mac n cheese and potato salad and sushi and lamb and chips and NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM
but the only time i eat is when i'm wit friends other than that i can't afford to eat. so there's that.
well something will happen. because i guess it has to?
here's this
do you remember the secret world of alex mack? i do. i rly rly do.

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