My lack (I almost typed lake) of progress is mostly due to 1 thing.
I'm super super super super, like super duper, lazy...and horribly crippled by my own feelins' of inadequacy.
Hell ya inadequates! Put ya hands in the air and wave them like you just don't care that you don't wave them as well as other people. Who are they to judge? You know? Maybe you just wave your hands different? Because I mean, come on, if eeeeeeeeverybody waved them the same then, then, then, ummm...oh, you were clapping? Well that's just...embarrassing. Put your hands down, just...put. them. down.
Or or or, no listen, or, that I really had no concrete idear of what my jam was gonna be about.
It was going to be something about something. If that isn't concrete than I'm certain I don't understand what the word concrete means!
But for realsies you guys? Now that I'm starting to think about this play thing more? I actually wasn't really going for it. I was thinking in these kinda abstract (expressionist) ways. I was getting ahead of myself. I was going right to the abstract with out getting my stract on. You know?
Boy has Wife; Boy has Girlfriend; Boy has Best-friend.
Boy has crippling disease that is slowly breaking down all his facilities to act like boy has normal life. Boy will go to any length to stop it.

Maybe boy just needs to fucking sleep.
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