Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Peach, Plum

Tomorrow I head off to my hometown, for my bestfriends wedding (not the movie) where I will be bestman. All I can think about is:
1. How expensive the tux is to rent
2. How I'm getting back home from Ohio
3. How I'm going to keep paying rent/bills/life
4. Why veronica mars such a good show
5. Why the Fleet Foxes song White Winter Hymnal is so good
6. When is our M.I.A coverband gonna start rehearsal
7. When are scientist going to figure out McDoz is good for you
8. Seriously, why is veronica mars so damn good

oh and this:

Anyone know where I can find one?
And also are lists my new schtick?
What about questions?
Is my list not really questions because I don't end every part with a "?"?
Does this remind anyone of another blog?

1 comment:

The Drunk Blog said...

Do you have blogging crapability in OH?
(wireless crapability- this one explains itself.)