It's summer and i just realized it, I guess?
Evz, KreativeKrisis et moi are totez hostin' a bbq.
Sadly, our bbq'z got canceled because er'body was too into bbqin' and are not lazy lazy people like us and probably got up early, like 9,(how is 9 considered early? when you don't have to sleep off a hangover/are just to sleepy! it is, what a sad sad state we live in as young people). So we improved which is also what young people do! so we had a lil cookin' at our place but we hung out on our roof. so while we didn't technically BBQ we did have fun cooking, hosting, and more importantly drinking in the middle of the day in a socially acceptable environment.

After we had a sojourn to the waterfront and watched the Dirty Projectors. The waterfront was PACKED so we decided to be lazy (THEME), and just sit in the grass and listened to them.

There's something nice about cooking out and watching a live show outside, it's tempting to wax all poetical about it. It just reminds me of my childhoods filled with park picnics and music playing loudly from the boombox. Even though that maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe happened like 6 times from the time i was born till now. And even then I'm probably just creating false memoriez from various televsion and movie picnic.
culture robot!
So that was last weekend.
lolc*nt, DS7 and I all hung out. We basically had dinner. They had burgerzzzz
I had a milkshake!

Needless to say it didn't bring any boiz to my yard. I don't even have a yard!
then we had some drizzies and had nice long chat at a bar. It was fun bar talk that took a turn for the sentimental, as many bar talks will turn into (I lurv u gu'zzzzzz ya the bes') but thank G, it went back to funny/snarky/snide, so it was a'ight.
The next day DS7, lolc*nt and I HAD ANOTHER BBQ
This time we used lolc*nt's momma's hizzy. we also had pie!
and on the seventh day warbles n' I went to the waterfront once again.
We say the Black Lips, but were jipped outa Trail of Dead Concert. Thanks a lot God! Right as they were done setting up there was lightening. See even God doesn't like hipsters

The Black Lips portion was fun. Near the end kids started to get stupid. Which is my favorite part of the show. lot's of stage diving and dancing. The lead singer did something like stage walking? He had peeps in the audy, hold his legs up and standing and playing the guitarrrrrr.
good for him.
And then the lightening came, and on the walk back to warbles apty, we got rained on. hard.
and now, now I'm filled with the crushin crushin monotony of the week.
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