Lord knows I lurv me a good orgy (what?) but after weeks n weeks of sexin' it up, a lil' break is necessary, no? Luckily, for us we also have murrrrrder! Or ritual sacrifice (which ever you prefer). Poor Sam, after finally having some freaky fun with your Doe eyed grrl, all she wants to do is lead you to the slaughter at the hands/claws of Maryann, her local Menaed priestess/devil's handmaiden thing or whatever, she has a bull head, that's actually a mask, does her head get transfigured into a bulls head?? I don't get it.
Luckily Sam remembered that"oh i have super powers" and flew on outa there. While everyone started screamin' their heads off, all black eyed and sexed up.
Sookie and Hugo are trapped in a church.
Sookie and Hugo and Godric are trapped in a church.
At least Sookie called out for Godric at least to see if he could hear her, which he most likely did since you know he has super human hearing, (I guess it's not super human since he's a vampire, so it would just be regular...vampire hearing...)
Well well well, and now we find out that Hugo is actually, a spy, look out secret squirrel, True Blood has a basically non-descript white guy to one up you! He does drop a few truth bombs on Sookie explainin; how the human-vampire relash, is a power play that has set dominant and sumbissive players that cannot be changed or challanged due to the fact that, they are immortal and humans....are not....
Sucks to your ass-mar Sookie says: "Bill loves me and I love him end of story, lalala I can't heaaaaar you," and with a telepathic super blast calls poor Barry Bellhop to get Bill to save her.
Because Sookie always needs saving.
Bill n' Lorena are hangin' out in the Hotel and having flashback to the good ole days. At first I thought the Lorena's acting was horrible, but now it's just bad like sad bad. Like in the flashback she was clapping like it was an imitation of what humans are supposed to do with the sacks of fles n bone that hang from their soldier blades. UNlike the last flashback where we see B n' L having sex n blood and on top of a dying girl in this lil flash we see Bill as we've always known him kinda boring. What upsets me most I think, is that we don't see the middle step of how Bill got to be a wet blanket, he just is and was sick of blood play and oh never loved Lorena. Well Lorena's pissed and isn't get let him go.
Oh and vampires bleed if they don't get sleep. Gross! Awesome!
Speaking of gross/awesome, Jason really does the perfect, what the hell did i just do, look on his face after he had sex with Sarah Newlin. What did you just do? You banged the Pastor's Wife, that's what. And now she's in rubba-dub love with you and will tell her husband and everything will be great!
That is until Hugo reveals Sookie last name and Steve Newlin finds out that Jason is Sookie's bro and send Sargent scary to take out Jason. So that's not so great. And once Jason fights of Sarge, because Jason is awesome, Sarge goes to rape Sookie.
Did I mention that Mr. Newlin told Mrs. Newlin and Mrs. Newlin goes all crazy scorned and shoots Jason in the chest. Yeah, that happens too. (The gun was obvi either a dart gun or a taser, we're not dumbies Alan Ball.)
Back in Bon Temp. Poor Andy tries to tell the people that they are all turning into black-eyed sex zombies. And they're all like STFU drunk. (I secretly wish that they all retain the memoriez and are just playin' dumb to get away with the sex parties without being "those" people that go to sex parties, but you are, you are those people citizens of Bon Temp). I can't wait till Andy comes out triumphant, or horribly slaughtered on his way to expose the truth.
Sam, like Mrs. Newlin, gets all lover scorned and takes out his gun, it's deer season. Here is were we finally get an explanation for Maryann. She controls people through sex, violence and excess (duh) and sacrifices people to the Devil or Dionysus, which might be the same in this universe. Sams all "well shit" and that's basically it for him this episode.
Daphne on the other hand keeps swimming and then later on at night, she's still swimmin' and get's murder/stabbed by zombie Eggs will Maryann smiles benignly. And Daphne sorta smiles? or is that just the blood gurgling up through her mouth, you know I can never tell!
Meanwhile Isabelle, Eric and Cowboy hat vampire discuss whether it's an inside job that got Godric kidnapped in order to start a Vampire v. Human war in Dalles. Probably! Then Barry Bellhop shows up to tell Bill the telepath news, and of course he's snagged up by a Vampire. Durh.
At the end of the episode, we have Sookie being saved by Godric who is looking......not as good as he was looking in Eric's flashback......which is disappointing.

I want to end this recap with a NON-disappointing note:
Hoyt and Jessica are going to lose their V-Card (heh) to each other. Sure Hoyt is 28 and Jessica is dead, but it's the most real(realistic) relationship in this program. He put on "Bleeding Love" for chris'sake.
Images via:
The Vault-True Blood Online
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