It's just one of those things that going to a private liberal art school and being somewhat well read (not really) and kinda smart (really not really), means that I should be one of those peeps that's all like:
"what is a tea bee? Do you mean have I gotten my T.B. test done? Why yes! As a matter of fact yes I have."
NO, I kinda like T.V. And you know what? It's O.K.
I think it's:
[insert teeeeevz]

I was thinking since this was a Sunday,I was going to write a shawty post but I've decided NOT to restrict myself. I'm just going to write in this till I'm good and done and or can't think of anything else to write. Which shouldn't be hard:
1. because I'm lazy
2. because I'm inconsistent
3. because as I've mentioned....I lost my train of thought.
[insert: TRAINS of thought]

Oh hello Anthony Bourdain! Why sure I would love to watch your show, while I flip through other channels!
-Why sure! I wouldn't mind to eat pigeon in Cairo either Tony!
-rice, paste, beans, lentils, chickpeas and fried onion? sure? ok! oh they are all in one dish? Might as well!
-Goat brains, guts, bile, eye and everything else? Maaaaaaaaaybe.
-Anything pork? oh hellllllllllllll to the yes
I was looking up recipes last night. I was looking up recipes for pupusas, and I think I'm going to attempt to tame the beast! I'll never be one of those people that are super into food and or call themselves "foodies"
1. because I'll never be that lame "foodies?" srsly?
2. I not sure if I have the dedicate
3. Or perhaps the means, I mean cooking good food is kinda expensive. amIright?
Why would anyone want a Big Mac™ taco? I mean I like Big Mac's™ and I like taco's but those are two great tastes that probably do not go well together.
What I've always loved about food and cooking is the history that comes from food. People and cultures have been making the same dishes for hundreds/thousands of years yet each individual can have such a personal experience with food. There is a certain personal and larger cultural ownership that comes with making and eating food.
Like with me and pupusas. I have sucha large sense of Salvadorean pride when it comes to the food that I've grown up with and specifically with pupusas because that is a dish that was invented in El Salvador and it's delicious as all get out. Learning how to make it would give me a sense of accomplishment plus, psssh I don't always have to buy them if i want to eat it.
[insert: I wanna be this lady]
I guess that's what neat or dumb about American food. The U.S. is so new and the food comes from so many different backgrounds that "American" food is so hard to categorize. Being new there is also room and a place to grow.
James McAvoy as Mr. Tumnus is super hot. only me?

I doubt it.........?
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