[insert: oh lord]

I kind of want that guys outfit. SO i guess thats' next on the ole list of wishes, fitted (or at least somewhat fitted), overalls. There are times when I amaze my myself with how stupid I am.
Last night, after I was done watching figure skating obvz, I ended up leaving the apartment! I know! kuh-rahziee. I went to a bar called the Levee and met up with raptor, cyborg and virg. It was fun.
I played darts!
I then proceeded home to work on the play thing I've been working on. It's fun to do since it's really of no consequence. So there's no pressure for it to be good or anything! squee.
[insert: NOT under pressure]

We've found ourselves in another Sunday. Am I going to keep this open and ramble?
maybe! who knows! who cares!
I just woke up from a 3 hour nap.
[insert: it was gooooooooooooood]

So the tradition continues, I finished the rest of my bacon today. It was full of grease and goodness; because I'm worth it.
DS7 and I are going to go to Green Village today, WE'RE LOOKING FOR A DINING TABLE. So we can have people over for fancy dinner parties. We can already have people over for fancy sitting parties and sleep overs (sexy and non), but we can't have a fancy dinner party (sexy or non). So that is the mission for today should we choose to accept it, (we will).
[insert: pretty sure this is what we are looking for]
So that's going to happen.
I'm really nervous about my taxes...back in Chicago they had my with a dependent for some reason. I called them was like, no no no that is wrong wrong, and they are like, sucka ain't nothin' we can do about it now. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. so nervous ya'll.
So I guess the sooner I do my taxes the sooner I can either set my mind at ease or kill myself, either or!
To Wong Fo Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar
DS7 and I just got back from Green Village we got a kitchen table and a bookshelf!
and now I'm watching the best movie ever.
Thanks for everything!
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