I was going to write some stuff down on this. Some creative writing stuff; creagaytive writing.
I don't like to brag or anything but I don't get lonely.Well, not to say I don't get "lonely," I mean I get "lonely" I just don't feel lonely. Or, I mean, that's not right, that's not what I mean to, that's not what I want to say. People think that loneliness is some kind of whole or pit or some other vaguely feminine, slightly misogynistic (Isn't it? swelling with happiness equals phallic; falling into depression...sapphic) metaphor. I don't feel like I'm falling; that I'm surrounded by darkness none of that cliched bullshit. I have this new cliched bullshit. It feels like a burning sensation. Like I'm being branded, changed, marked. I'm surrounded and entered by a light. Fucked. I'm being fucked and everyone knows it. It changes me. I don't mind the endless flame. My own personal eternal flame. Remember that song? Do you understand?...Whatever, it's a good song. I revel in it because I can't not. So, no I'm not lonely, I'm on fire; consumed from the inside out.
What this ole thing? It's just something that I whipped up. It's an old recipe really! Something I have tucked away in case people come by. Because, oh, you know, you can never know when anything can happen! Better to be a prepared polly! Just, a lil' ole thing that I might put into my play that I'm working on. Yes, the same play that I've been working on for a while. The same ole shit that I have spread out in a multitude of napkins, lose papers, so leaves, my bedroom walls, my computer (not in a word document mind you, on the screen scrawled with a razor blade...woah that went to a much darker place then i intended..)
[insert; ya got served]

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