God, that's sounds like the prompt for a 3rd grade essay assignment.
Mrs. Teacher: OK class today were are going to break into groups and write about what we did last weekend.
3rd grader: Why are we splitting up into groups?
3rd grader #2: Yeah, When we all did different things?
Mrs. Teacher: Class who here went to The Ohio State University to get their degree in Art History?
And who was forced by their mother to change because the Arts are for girls that are talented and that you should stick to something average girls excel at, so why not teacher? "Why not that hun"?
And who here had a little too much wine one night and thought "surrre we don't have to use a condom Tommy, just, you know don't finish."
And who did not have any money to as your mother would say "go to Columbus" and "Take care of it?"
And are you stuck raising a child you didn't want, in a town you hate, working at a job that leaves you weeping in your bathroom after you were sick drinking too much wine, because Tommy always buys the cheap swill?
No. So get into you groups and write about your weekends.
3rd grade class:...
[insert: i google imaged this picture with "3rd grade teacher" isn't fun to think she is saying it?]

...So what I did on my weekend was actually really fun!
Friday some coworkerz and I went to get some drankz after werk.
So we went and got some mothafuckin mahgahrahtahs up in this bitch.
We had a nice little chat (Heidi Klum says that on Project Running with Scissors!) about things and things and liberal art things and sexual health stuff and queer activism miscellany and stuff we have the privilege to talk about. But we also talked about horoscopes! And that was nice.
Later we walked across the WilliamsBLURG bridge, (yeah I know, I know STFU life) but it was really nice in that highly romanticized young! new york! experience.
[insert: we didn't look like this]

Saturday was a blerk day.
So that was filled by a haze a sleepiness whilst (<----so english RITE??) I was guzzling down any caffeine drink I could wrap my grubby monkey paws around. But things took a decidedly upward swing when a good friend (from Chicago) came! We watched
The Runaways: The Dakota Fanning Tale of Sapphism, Drugs and Career (Re)Invention.
It was a cute pseudo-gritty pseudo-artsy all angsty story of Joan Jett (the girl from Twilight that always look like she rather be anywhere than where she is at the moment, then leave! be free! that's what I would tell her!) and Cherie Curry (Dakota motherfucking Fanning). Every time they were on screen, so basically for like 2 hrs (was it even 2? it's might been like 1 1/2 for all I know!) it was like oh you are so much more famous for playing with vampires and being a little girl.
AWKward. It was fun.
[insert: lesbionic cybertronic d-d-disco baby]

Then my friend, (oli!) and I got him some pants, went back to my place, then went to a PARTAY. IT'S A PARTY IN THE U.S.GAY. Yeah I went there.
Ironically it wasn't a gay party frownface.
It was fun. I was pleasantly surprised (re: peeing my pants a lil) to see my friend, (l.k.) whom I haven't seen in literally Fo Evz. So that was delightful.
But I was also glad that oli got along with the Oberliners that were throwing the party. Because, it's always tough to interact with people that are constantly making old joke and time specific references and then you end up just kinda standing there drinking until you just starting screaming and screaming and screaming for someone to get you out of there. only me? ok!
But oli was great and OBViously er'body was all like yo friend is awesome. Yes. and Duh.
Then we went back to mine and WINK.
Sunday was also a pleasant day. It was a HOLY-DAZE. Sunday was the day the Jesus was all like so over being dead, it wasn't even funny. And he was like you guys I'm totally back but Earth kinda sux too see ya! So DS7 and KreativeKrisis (emphasis on KRISIS!) went to a gay ole party and had gay ole drinks and talked about how gay we were (well some of us; others like to play pretend) So that was fun.
! yuuuuuuuuup!
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