One year ago today I was boarding a plane and making my move to NEW YORK CITY.
Nu Yark Cheety
I've done a lot of things since I've moved here? I've gotten myself a j-o-b that I l-i-k-e.
Which is something that I can say is a big improvement from where I was last year in Cheekahgo. Maybe that is to say, I wasn't trying hard enough to find a job that I liked? I don't know, maybe I was too pseudo focused on other stuff. On things that I'm not sure that I was completely cut out for in the first place.
But now I'm here, I'm tip-typin' away on this little nothing of a nothing while the wind outside is blowing. Feeling a little sunburned from yesterday when I went to the beach.
Other new things... I have new glasses! That sit a'top my face like a sign that says "nerds say hello!" or something. <----That made no sense.

bllpppssssssssssh, what other things? I've had a reunion and subsequent estrangement from my sister here in Q-q-queens. So that was some stuff. It was nice to see her while I had the chance. But things change and you have to take it.

bllpppssssssssssh, what other things? I've had a reunion and subsequent estrangement from my sister here in Q-q-queens. So that was some stuff. It was nice to see her while I had the chance. But things change and you have to take it.
I've met plenty of new people, mostly passing acquaintance, Which I guess is a little different from the Windy City. I was able to go out and just met people, strangers really and, while I wasn't great friends with them, I would be to say; go out with them on Saturday or Friday. I guess I'm still trying to get used to the type of people this city attracts. People that aren't necessarily mean but that have a harder edge to them, forever searching for something; discarding this for that or another thing,
So I'm sure I'll find my own particular footing. Maybe in a year! Who knows! I don't!
Maybe I won't have to worry about it at all! What with the Oil Spills, War, sinkholes, I'm pretty sure we're going to see the horsemen prancing across the sky like the lil' queers that they are.
But if not, well...
I guess things will keep on clip-clopping.
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