Thursday, June 3, 2010

to the future with

Yesterday I went running! Runnin runnin' ru-runnin' running

That's what my heart sounds like when I start running; confidant, then dulls to a murmur, then kind of just sputters ft ft ft ft ptp...

But! I did run more and with a better pace than I thought I would!
So that was something! A very little something but something none the less.
I did almost reach that point of running when you hit your stride and it feels like you can just keep going.
It was nice.
I stopped thinking about things; like hey there's a hot guy without his shirt on, or hey there is another hot guy without his shirt on playing futbol (<----fuck soccer; it's futbol mothafuckaz) wow he has a defined body, or that guy running in front of me has a nice little b-b-bounce to his s-s-step, or look at the guy with a workout outfit of AMERICAN APPAREL (soooooomeone's bougie), or is that a the red ranger or is it just a really sunburned ginger without his shirt on? (it was the latter)

So, I think it goes without saying this was kinda a horny run that I had going on...

But then I almost hit my moment, my perfect running moment, that I used to be able to obtain, and all I was thinking about was my breathing and the wind and my strides and how my hands are positioned and sure I can run one more lap! what's one more lap? So I ran that one more lap and stopped. Because, I probably woulda felt not great the next day if I pushed my body further than what it's capable of doing (for now).

So I did my stretchinz' and PUSH UPS the walked on home.

Then I ate a burger, fries and some coleslaw with like 3beerz...

Glad I went on that run!

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