I'm sitting here in Aubz apty with her roomie writing in this ram-shamble of internet space.
I think I'm basically going to do a vacay round up and NOT right in this thing everyday like some kind of loser baby monkey man.

Then we met with some ca-li-fornia gayz and had some drankz. But srsly california gays are really touchy feely. I was a little put off by that. I'm like, i only touch you if I've known you for more than 1 year and/or am trying to sleep with you. Known of which applied to any o' dees gays. OR DID IT? it didn't.
BTW I was mistaken for Wilson cruz (don’t know who that is) El Oh El?

Today the ole gang, I almost typed the ole gayng (<--still valid) and I went to beach and sunned and frolicked. I got to see Malibu which was nice and I got to see the Pacific ocean which just felt so large and I got to wear my tiny swimsuit, which come on is every gays perfect day, amirite? After practicing being mermaids and wearing MATCHING swimsuits –slash- something that will here to forth be labeled “beach underwear” ???? yes!
Back to the story, Aubz and I were supposed to meet up with a friend and we did but he is what I’d like to call a searcher. Flitting from group to group scoping the scene for someone to take him home. He was sweet, just preoccupied. So we left him to his own devices and went home.
Oh I’m sorry, I left our the most important part. We go slurpees at the 7/11 before we went home.
Sunday, we woke begrudgingly early and went to the farmers market and gorged our self on free fruit/cheese/bread samples. It was amazing. And worth it. I also drank some sweet sweet lime-ade. Uuuuugh. Took a pill good time all the time.
Oh, and number two? PUG PUPPIES.
Afters, we went to Amoeba and got some records amd apparently I was singing something or another and I made a stranger uncomfortable! Hooray.
We then watched an amazing movie. It was amazing and a movie. We ended the day perfectly by eating pizza and watching Independence Day, welcome to Earth indeed.
Monday, yesterday I guess, D’smity and I went to Aubz place of work talked some smack and got lunch. Then we finshed my roll of film got donuts and simply enjoyed each others company.
Almost 5 days and I didn’t get a picture of a single landmark.
ASSTROOO BURGER was yummy and delicious and made my hert go boom ba-boom. But before that we took a drive up mullholland dr and saw all the pretty MANSIONS. then we went to a gay bar, in wich the night was called BIG FAT DICKS. Needless to say the bar was a lil trashy.

I woke up at 12! noon! that's 3! in real (NY TIME) then I walked around Melrose with D'smity (aubz roomie). It was basically like the scene It was basically like a scene from my most deepest fantasy. The fact that waking up at noon is a fantasy of mine, is something i have to live with everyday and I've learned to accept that.
I went shopping (gaycation shopping is the most dangerous type of shopping there is) and I bought several items one of them (my most favie baby one of them) being a gold necklace with a gold feather pendent.
I went shopping (gaycation shopping is the most dangerous type of shopping there is) and I bought several items one of them (my most favie baby one of them) being a gold necklace with a gold feather pendent.
Went to silverlake and had some margz w/some laydyayz. It was all pseudo-real housewives, but with the obvious and much need black lezbot.
Then we went to Griffith Park Observatory, of Rebel Without a Cause fame and I say the creeeepy bust of james. It was hellza weirrrrrd. Oh and we saw some russian tourist taking "classy" pictures of themselves. Not to seem xena(warriorprincess)phobic on ya'll but the russian tourist don't get what classy is I think. They have a vague idea but it always goes terribly wrong and earnestly slutty.
Went to silverlake and had some margz w/some laydyayz. It was all pseudo-real housewives, but with the obvious and much need black lezbot.
Then we went to Griffith Park Observatory, of Rebel Without a Cause fame and I say the creeeepy bust of james. It was hellza weirrrrrd. Oh and we saw some russian tourist taking "classy" pictures of themselves. Not to seem xena(warriorprincess)phobic on ya'll but the russian tourist don't get what classy is I think. They have a vague idea but it always goes terribly wrong and earnestly slutty.

Then we met with some ca-li-fornia gayz and had some drankz. But srsly california gays are really touchy feely. I was a little put off by that. I'm like, i only touch you if I've known you for more than 1 year and/or am trying to sleep with you. Known of which applied to any o' dees gays. OR DID IT? it didn't.
BTW I was mistaken for Wilson cruz (don’t know who that is) El Oh El?

Today the ole gang, I almost typed the ole gayng (<--still valid) and I went to beach and sunned and frolicked. I got to see Malibu which was nice and I got to see the Pacific ocean which just felt so large and I got to wear my tiny swimsuit, which come on is every gays perfect day, amirite? After practicing being mermaids and wearing MATCHING swimsuits –slash- something that will here to forth be labeled “beach underwear” ???? yes!
We went homo. Watched a movie took a lil nap and went out d-d-d-dancing.
Well Aubz n I did D’smity stayed home.
We want to this thing called Cherry Pop or Popstars or Super Cherrypop, I’m not sure but it sounded thuper faggy, which I like. Another thang that I like? We got in for freezers. We got stuffed into freezers and carted in the back way. Right before we were going to be locked in we stuck out our arm and emerged ready to go out it. Or we ran into some rando and she had 2 other plus ones, which I guess in her sitch would be plus 3’s.
We want to this thing called Cherry Pop or Popstars or Super Cherrypop, I’m not sure but it sounded thuper faggy, which I like. Another thang that I like? We got in for freezers. We got stuffed into freezers and carted in the back way. Right before we were going to be locked in we stuck out our arm and emerged ready to go out it. Or we ran into some rando and she had 2 other plus ones, which I guess in her sitch would be plus 3’s.
We were right behind her n’ her boifrienz and the woman at the door was like “are these your friends?” and she was all “…s…suuuuuuuuuuree, yeah, yes they are my friends, why not.” So we got special bracelets that woulda let us hang out with Kimberly Locke (who ever the fuck that is) but instead we didn’t and just danced.
THE MUSIC WAS ON POINT THE ENTIRE NIGHT. En Vogue, TLC, Maria, Brandy, Madonna, Robyn, Lady Gagz, CAN WE SAY GAY? Yes yes we can because we are.
We danced for a solid 2/2:30 hours.
sidenote: just saw someone with an Oberlin sweatshirt. We are a geeky bunch.
BTW I saw Andrew from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (lol)
We danced for a solid 2/2:30 hours.
sidenote: just saw someone with an Oberlin sweatshirt. We are a geeky bunch.
BTW I saw Andrew from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (lol)

Back to the story, Aubz and I were supposed to meet up with a friend and we did but he is what I’d like to call a searcher. Flitting from group to group scoping the scene for someone to take him home. He was sweet, just preoccupied. So we left him to his own devices and went home.
Oh I’m sorry, I left our the most important part. We go slurpees at the 7/11 before we went home.
Sunday, we woke begrudgingly early and went to the farmers market and gorged our self on free fruit/cheese/bread samples. It was amazing. And worth it. I also drank some sweet sweet lime-ade. Uuuuugh. Took a pill good time all the time.
Oh, and number two? PUG PUPPIES.
Afters, we went to Amoeba and got some records amd apparently I was singing something or another and I made a stranger uncomfortable! Hooray.
We then watched an amazing movie. It was amazing and a movie. We ended the day perfectly by eating pizza and watching Independence Day, welcome to Earth indeed.
Monday, yesterday I guess, D’smity and I went to Aubz place of work talked some smack and got lunch. Then we finshed my roll of film got donuts and simply enjoyed each others company.
Almost 5 days and I didn’t get a picture of a single landmark.
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