Monday, August 9, 2010

and i will be your deary

What does it mean when you're late to your first therapy session because you simply forgot your insurance card and had to, had to, had to run back home to get it. KNOWING that it takes about 30 minutes to get to your apt and back to the office.


Short answer is no. Long answer is still no.

I just forgot my G.D. ins. card because I haven't been using my wallet because my wallet is a sticky piece of shit.

I've joined the ranks of the endlessly neurotic seeking introspective help.

or something! feelings! They're weird!

So it was new and different but also nice. The therapist talked just enough to get me talking more. There was a whole lot of talking and it wasn't all gobbledy-gook (<---the sounds kinda racist?)!

So that's that. If things ever get TOO REAL, which presumably they will, since I'm preeeeeeeeeeeeeetty sure that's what therapy is all about. I'm probably not going to talk about it in this mofo.

there. i'm seeing a psychotherapist and now we wait *twiddles thumbs

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