I use the royal "us" curz this weekendz isn't upon me.
What is upon me is tomorrow I have to work (YOU BETTA WERQUE). I will once again haul my half dead/half drunk carcass out of my womb-room; off my Ikea bed (60 dollaz ya'll), make like a tree and slowly wilt away and die, my leaves falling off as the briskness of fall seeps into my trunk AND GO TO WORK.

If that made any sense to anyone they need to get their noggin' noodled with.
I've basically been looking at gif's of the Jersey Shore™ all day. So I'm keep this lil jolly open and we'll see where the non-weekend weekend takes us? a'ight?
So after work, on Friday, i got my fettucini alfredo on (I almost typed fattucini alfredo SAME).
I ate an entire thing of that last night.
It was probably meant for two people but since my boifrienz is off jet setting to LA with his white thigh high go-go boots and micro-mini (that's the image i get whenever I use the term "jet-setting" which is why I use the term so much), with his sister.
TWIN sister fyi
(it's nothing like this....or is it?...it's not.)

Saturday came and gone and you blinked and it was still there but you turn your head for a moment, for a moment, then it leaves you, with your book in your hands and without a word to say.
I had a nice dinner wit my sista.
Well, I ate dinner I had two big ass slices of my moms lasagna.
OK listen:
1.) my moms lasagna is the shit
2.) there is no number two because there is no need.
It tasted exactly like I remembered it, which is saying something since it had been, oh about 6 years or so since I've last eaten it.
it was very good. My mother, is a wonderful cook.
After some pleasant conversation I went home.
And presently I'm watching Jersey Shore™
I will be watching Jersey Shore™ all day. Don't judge me.
Not after what I saw you do that one time at that one thing. Don't think I don't remember.
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