Through the next scene Jay, Kay and Elle are all sitting at the table that they were sitting at in the previous scene. Jay and Kays backs no longer to the audience. They sit on either side (stage L and stage R). Elle is UP Stage Center.
Elle - I'm sorry, you just looked so uncomfortable.
Kay - Did we?
Jay - I'm sure we did.
Kay - We're not.
Elle - You're not.
Jay - I'm sure we just seemed uncomfortable.
Kay - We tend to seem uncomfortable.
BeatBeatJay - The tea's good.
Elle - I'm sorry, tend to seem uncomfortable?
Kay - Yes.
Jay - Not too hot. There was plenty of time to let it cool.
I'm sure that you must have the leaves, bags?
I'm sure I taste actual leaves (but I'm no expert), in first and then added the boiling water.
BeatWas there some lemon already in the tea? It isn't lemon tea though, it barely needs any honey or sugar.
BeatI like honey better, the sugar tends to collect too much at the bottom of the cup;
Beatit's like drinking a sweet sediment from the base of a river.
Kay - I never really got the hang of drinking tea.
Elle - The hang of drinking tea?
Kay - Yes.
Elle - Well I'm glad one of you is enjoying the tea.
Kay - I didn't say I didn't enjoy it.
Elle - Well at least this was only the beginning.
Jay - More tea?
Elle - No.
Kay - Great. We'll we're ready/
Elle - Yes, I can see that.
Kay - Yes. You told us.
Jay - I'm just glad we got here on time.
Elle - Why?
Jay - Well you see/
Kay - No reason.
Elle - What makes you think you came here on time?
Jay - You said we were early.
Elle - Unless they have changed the definition of On Time
On Time does not mean early.
Early means before the expected time.
I expected you at a certain time and you most surely came before the expected time.
Kay - Would you like we should go?
Take all our preparations and come back tomorrow.
The day after.
We've proved we can find you.
And it took even less than the time we gave ourselves.
Jay - It wasn't hard. I knew we would get here on time.
I just get so nervous about time and being on time,
not making anyone wait.
Waiting can be the worst part.
Elle - I'm sure.
Jay - I don't know about you but the waiting,
the the worst.
Because it's so much more than just waiting; it's expecting.
Expectations not met
and it comes in waves, non-stop, swelling and growing.
I mean there I am waiting, expecting and that's when it starts:
Why aren't they here?
What time is it?
Did I give them the right address?
Did I give them the right directions?
Did they ask for directions?
What time is it?
What time did I say to be here?
Is it the right day? (of course it's the right day)
Is it time?
What time is it?
What time is it?
Kay, what time is it?
Kay - It should be about time.
Elle - Uh, yes yes. Now should be the right time.
Kay - So...
Elle - Yes. I'm sorry. I'll be back in a moment.
Elle Exits
Kay - What a bitch.
Jay - God, are you for real right now?
Kay - What? She's a bitch.
Jay - Yes, but don't say that out loud.
Kay - Whatever. It doesn't matter.
Jay - She's already making this harder than it should be. And that shitty attitude you have isn't helping.
Kay - It's not like she wouldn't be such a twat if I was acting like care bear.
Jay - Well I guess well never find out because that odds of that happening are pretty low now aren't they.
Kay - Yes. Yes they are.
Elle Enters
Elle - O.K. I think we can start.