Fuck you words.
Since I've written on this thing-a-ma-shit about something nonfictional.
And to be honest, the reason why, is none of your goddamn business.
But thank you for visiting and reading and telling all your one friend that doesn't own a computer and doesn't understand what an ehnturnitz is and could care less about anything besides sucking the marrow dry of a couple of deer bones.
I totez understand why someone raised by wolves would want to read (if they could/or knew what "read" was) this lil blog because they would need something that is close to english but also close enough howls and yelps to understand.
It's like hooked on phonics! but for wolf people!
Oh I'm sorry, sorry, Lupine Americans! I almost wrote Lupus Americans (heh lupus)

No lie: I was Hooked on Phonics™ when I was but a wee lil boy growing up in OHIO.
Or I think they [my parents] bought it for me? I remember looking at the box and thinking,
"Pffff I don't need to read or listen to tapes learn English"
And that friends is how I started my life long love affair with English!

My life long love of trying to murder the English Language™.
J/K lulz
But fo rulsies what's the big deal w/grammar? As long as you can make yourself understood and maybe make it amusing or something, in the end you can take grammar and spit in it's nerdy eyes.
Pssh grammar probably wears glasses! So you'd have to take off the glasses THEN spit in grammars eyes.
What a Nerd!
Grammar probably couldn't get a date to the prom (but neither could I sooooooo :/).
Grammar probably wasn't invited to any quewl kydz parties (oh, oh right neither was I).
Grammar probably just spent countless Friday nights hanging out with his mom eating Ben and Jerry's Chubby Hubby BY THE PINT and watching 20/20 and wonder just how John Stossel kept his mustache so neat.
Talking to his mom about what they wanted to do on Saturday, go to the mall maybe? grocery shop? And no Grammar didn't have any plans and didn't want to hang with his friends.
You know, something like that.

What was the point?
Oh yeah
wolf people are cool
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