accordin'/accordion ( <--- I don't know why I wrote that, oh yes I do because I wanted it to sounds stupid, soooooo...) to my thrpst that is what therapy or the "talking cure" used to be called chimney sweep because afterward it would make you feel as clean as freshly...cleaned...chimney...?

....I think my therapist is lying to me and or thinks I'm an idiot and or is an idiot...
I don't think it's healthy that I've begun to become suspicious about my head shrinker.
Or it could be super healthy! Either way I'm to going to talk about it.
That. I'm sure is healthy.
So there are certain things that you watch happen on tv in life that change you forever. To girls kicking the f out of each other is not one of those things.
Yes, they are entertaining and yes lady fights are as awesome as dude fight a and yes i forgot where I was going with this and yes, I think I'll stop now.
Maybe I should talk to my lying dumb therapist about this?
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