I it was all drizzly and wet yesterday which was pretty annoying. But then it started to snow!
squeee! I'm a sucker for classic (re:cliché) moments. I had just gotten off of the train and was walking down Houston (How'sTon ;( stupiit New York) and the horrible sleet turned into thick clumps of fast falling snow and it was just a a really nice moment. Like the kind you see in those really dumb movies that don't reflect real life but rather a sugary sweet romcom. So it made it less meaning full, THANKS A LOT ROMCOMZ.
It was nicely topped off by a walk to meet Archivos since she was visiting from Baltimore. We went to this bar/lounge thing that was pretty ughh. I don't blame Archivos she's doesn't live herm but if i wanted to play Sex y la City with 30 year old women-I'll never want to play Sex und da City with anyone ever. But it was nice to hang and talk about adult things over adult drinks and adult material wiiiiiink (not suitable for anyone under 18 suckaz)
Then I finished the evening at home and was in bed by 12! YES! I'm so old, it was a Saturday night. evz.
Friday was a lil more age approps. Went out with co-workers, then found an open bar with some homosexuals...annnnnnnd let's just say the only thing keep me there was my desire to not spend money.
Lordy, did I want to rip out my eyes out of their safe warm eyeholes.
Then I went to bar that was more me approps, and I chatted up with a playwright. It was nice!
All I want for christmas is this:

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