It's the squeekend
It's the gleekend
It's the mekand
I have big plans.
before we get to them WHO DRINKS SMIRNOFF ICE?!? only college freshman homosexuals (trust me i know)
back on track:
i'm going to finish paintin my room (it's looks like an unfinished womb, i want it to look like a finished womb) WOMB ROOM
i'm going to go to the tattie store on my street (it's just a few thousand blocks north of my apty) I wanna talk to my maaaaaaybe tattoo artist
going to a few holiday partayz
and maybe going couch hunting (and begging for money!)
i want sushi rull bad, i was just watching a Dollhouse (on friday night...i'm so cool) and this guy was eating sushi made from his own legs and i was like....i want some. NOT the leg sushi, but the regular kind.
whatever I have real plans.
oh heh, I went to the company holiday party. AND WE HAD A MOTHERFUCKING WALK-OFF.
Although i did show good face, i was inturn schooled, i took it humbly, since it was my first walk-off. it was fun PLUS free food and free booze and dessert i was in heaven.
[insert heaven <3333]

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