Sorry, didn't mean to yell as loudly as I did
[insert oops]

That picture makes me giggle.
But it made my lil queer theatre lovin' heart go all pitter-patter in all the right ways.
First of all "And I am Telling You" was a power house. I love that it left Mercedes winded because that song, when done right, should leave anyone and everyone winded. And M when went Jennifer Holliday on that suckkkkkker. I swear there were moments when it looked like she was going to try to swallow the earth whole and still have room for dessert.
Rachel had this weird mix of pride/loathing/shame on her face; proud that she is on the same team as this obviously talented singer, loathing for that said talent b/c to be completely honest and a lil racist no white girl can sang this song, not really, ya' know waddimean? and a lil ashamed b/c she dismissed M so quickly after she has repeatedly proved in other musical numbers that "the bitch can saaaaang" amirite? So yes that was awesome.
oh and by the way i lurrrv that Santana and Brittany sex it up and that Brittany kept a bird in her locker and had to speak to a counselor about it! 10000 points for Brittany.
Speaking of a ten thousand points, I would never ever want to be on the Sue Sylvester express to horror. Jane Lynch is a genius when she is playing Sue. I mean there was a tiny tiny moment (spoilerzzzzz) when she got kicked off/suspended from Cheerios/school that she faltered, but she totally rallied and is going to accidentally murder Schuester.
"Don't Rain on My Parade" was brilliant. I love that Rachel has been working on that number since she was 4, since she's made allusions to viewing Barbara Streis' as a role model. OBVI. she fucking banged that out. That's all. She did it and was like boom, "what now?????"
What now was, "You Can't Always Get What You Want" oh Finn, how I <3 your love of classic rox. It was good and poignant since at least he came back.
Isn't it funny that after repeatedly punching Pucker in teh fizzace, Puck had zero point zero bruises? nice.
Emm yeah it was an inspiration and Schuester always has the perfect eye's brimming with tears face. eyes so glossy.
Oh and Eve, please go back to acting school. Thrusting your hands at the people you are speaking to and speaking out, while a mildly annoying distraction, is not acting. Which I mean to say it didn't make me want to gouge my eyes out too terribly bad. Oh and deaf jox wasn't funny last week not funny this weak. BOOM WORD PLAY.
BUT what was funny, was the Haverford's rendition of "Don't Stop Believin'" honking indeed.
OH and True Bloods Mrs. Newlinnnnnnn! HI-YOOOOOOO <3 ;) :) :D and other emoticons that make no sense.

And what's gonna happen with the baby, and Quin, Finn, Puck n' Rachel (sounds like an ill conceived restaurant) Will, Terri, Emma(and I guess Tanaka <---Good restaurant name?)? Meh, I really could care. less. and that's what I am telling you.
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