[insert: Greek is totes heavy ya'll]

Annnnnnnyway, the one(?) thing that annoys about time specific genres, ie high school/college teebee shü's is their heavy handed importance placed on the brevity of their experience, as if having a 4 year time stamp somehow makes these moments in our lives more authentic. (<--------Well will you look at that run-on!).
The arbitrary 4 years and the whole, "I WISH THESE DAYS WOULD NEVER END," while making good and funny and sad entertainment, kinda forces a viewer to compartmentalize their experiences. Without looking at your history, one can be tricked into thinking that you leave things behind. In reality, I think, you carry these things with you they, grow on you and create the person you have become and a are going to continue to grow into. Like a mold or fungus or weird mole.
By breaking them down and segmenting them off, they are easier to digest, you still gotta take it all in sooner or later. Like the whole pie I ate that one time.
[insert: suuuuuuure one time]

like that
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