It's been one of those weekends where it's a shame to be inside. So I've been not lazy enough to actually be outside and enjoy the weather! Instead of doing what I'm...doing...right/write now and chilling in the livin' roomz relaxin' on my blog.
So I'm chilling and relaxin' at the same time. I think I'll dub it chillaxin' and that friends is how werds are invented.
[insert: yup]

oh some other asshole invented that? Well that's NEWS TO ME. Nothin' new unda teh sunz. Accept for all the lithe hipsters venturing out in the sun.
Friday night I was all set for staying in and having a good night sleep.
A friend (I guess technically it's more of an acquaintance, since we only met 2 weeks before I moved from Chicago and hung out 1.5 times before I left, and not much talking happened IFFFF youknowwhatImean), was in town and he called (txt'd, whatever) me and asked to hangsies. So we did.
Major queer checklist were hit: Metropolitan and Sugarland. Yes, There are only two major standard checks in this part of town. Welcome. We ran into a mutual friend at metro. This friend of our has the remarkable gift to literally make friends with anyone. Anyone that has ever been born. No matter the disposition, he will be able to make friends with them. It's kind of amazing to watching it happen.
We (I) also saw ED DROSTE from Grizzly Bear™. It was kinda squee worthy. He's also a lot taller then I expected; handsomer too. So that was my Alt Celebrity Sighting™ of the week, ugh fine, of the year.
[insert: deep sea diver]

I got us lost on the way to Sugarland. How? I dunno when it's literally a 10 minute walk from Metro. I'm just an idiot i guess. There was a party going on so lots of queers (not just gay boiz) and dykes. It was awesome.
One of the go-go dancer lit her tassels on fire. ON FUCKING FIRE. Then she twirled them, oh how she twirled them. They were like comets orbiting the planet the were her breasts.
[insert: wheels on fire]

Oh, we ran into some friends of DS7. They tried to take us home with them (because they got kicked out of Sugz) and when we declined they called me fat and my friend a leprechaun.
[insert: Welcome to Brooklyn™.]

After we danced we ummmm left...sure we'll go with that.
Yesterdaze I went to Prospect Park. It takes about 40 minutes to get there via bus. It's a nice autobus ride. You pass through a Hasidic neighborhood. then a largely AfroCaribbean hoodz. While I was ridin the bus I was noticing how extremely cinematic this stupid city is. Everything; the buildings, the people, the layout everything. No matter there are so many moo-veez about new york.
I went to the park for a Queer Picnic. There was hummus, bread, cheese, fruit and wine for all. It was pretty queer. Many be-tattoed, tank top wearing, cut-off shorts having, big sun glasses rocking queers enjoying the sun.
[insert: prrrrrrrk]

Gave my friend a haircut after that.
Then went home and sleeeeept for like 12 hours. nice. Because I didn't get much sleep friday night. WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINK
see what i did there?
I'm currently watching John Tuck Must Die on FX™? while simultaneously watching the BBC special on mammels. David Attenborough(spelling?) can talk me to sleep any time. Put I don't want to see you. Get of my screen now plz thanks.
Penn Badgley is in J T must D, with a horrible haircut; disgusting and long.
I did laundry today. It's awesome and it's sitting on my bed, were it will remain for the foreseeable future. Unless I drunkenly put it away, which is a very real possibility.
happy sunday
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