Sure, I have other bills to pay, but you know, buy it while the buyin' is good?
Yeah, we'll go with that.
[insert: califoooooornia here we coooooooooooooooooome]

But this is far in the future; in JULY! So while I'll feel the pinch now, once July rolls around Future Me™ will think Past Me™ was pretty smart. Pretty...pretty clever.
So soon, but not too soon, one of my besties on the enetz and I will be hangin' out on the West Coast.
West Coast: Best Coast?
East Coast: Yeast Coast?
So that's the what the future looks like or maybe it'll look like this.
[insert: scarepocalypse now!]

I was pretty tired for most of the day today. I came home and laid in bed with my mind on my money and my money on my mind. I also watched Arrested Development.
So good.
cornballing piece of sh*t
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