Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Well will you look at that

Early evening of New Years Eve and I have nothing to blog 'bout!

a lot of my friends are in new york citay!
[insert ugh new york]
fucking friends
[not as cute as my real friends]


happy new years ya'll!

'Twas the night before New Years Eve

So this is a new year and I don't blah blah blah blah blah
Does it fucking look like I'm in my last year of high school or freshmen year in college.

I'm old enough to now that each year is kinda the SAMESIES

You know what isn't the samesies, Destiny's Child. Remember back in the day when they used to be four of them then they had three and tried to pull off DS3 - puh-leaze.
And know there is only one. I wonder in Beyonce's mind she's just sayin "ya'll can suck it" in here head to the 5 other girls that used to make up Destiny's Child in it's different manifestations?
Yes that math is right. 5.
I hope she does. 

N E wayz

There is that. 

I haven't put any male singers up in this business. I'm not that nostalgic bout the d00dz

I did nothing today. Well nothing but eat salmon. NUMNUMNUMNUM
Well nothing but eat salmon and watch t.v.

That's how I role on my VAY-CAY.
I eat and watch tee-vee and blog...I lead a very fulfilling life.

Here is one d00d that does make me feel nostalgic but not for anything tangible. Whatever that means! I don't know what i'm saying anymore! I like BEIRUT
he was the person that made me want to grow a moustache!


Monday, December 29, 2008

Origin Story

Right, so I was like born in Cali (i'm  goin goin back back to Cali Cali), in the San Fernando Valley to be exact, I know, I know, I'm actually a valley girl. Is anyone really surprised?

totez surprised 4rlz? I think not!

[insert best picture i could find using google for "90s valley girl"]

That's why I don't think it's a surprise I have a close connection to Buffy, from the original movie. I'm sorry, but I think the movie is really really fuckin good.
[insert the original Buffy]

Being in Las Vegas and so close to my birthplace, is bringing back some memories. memoreezzz.

So i'm going to get a burger and fries. Fries that i distinctly remember eating b/c i wasn't old enough to eat the burger. (I was only 5! [and not 5 factorial, i just hit you with some math! what!?!!?])


so good ya'll.

I remember it well

I remember waking up before going to... junior high...I think and watching this Lauryn Hill video.

It's almost the end of the year yall and I'm getting more nostalgic than before, and that is saying something! 

Maybe the following blogz postz will be more nostalgia based? 

who knows!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

What happens in Vegas

Gets written about in my blog!

Get it? It's funny because it's not the right saying!

and I actually won't write about what's been happening. So ya'll can suck it!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Shit's Gettin' Mysterious on Star Trek!

Other than the mystery as to why there are no Puerto Ricans on Star Trek (srsly, why ain't there no puerto ricans!?)
The crew of Star Trek: Voyager (arguably the best Star Trek and by arguably I mean the only Star Trek I've ever watched) have just found an old FORD pick-up floatin in space!

[insert Star Trek sooooo mysterious yall!]

I don't know why I started with that. Meh, why not! It's the holidaze! I made it to Vegas, so here I am...blogging....


I'm not sure what is planned for the trip yall! Maybe nothing! Maybe something! Maybe.....

On the the less nerdy side, I was reading the Economist (yes, in my universe that is less nerdy) and it had an article on music and why and how it came to be and it was sooo interestin' yall!
One of my favorite sentences called music auditory masturbation and pornography! Heh

Here is some NSFW MUSIC

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry F**king Christmas

Here I am.

I'm not in las vegas (I was supposed to be visiting my family in vegas). Thanks to the fucking snow and the crew of the plane, my flight was cancelled and I'm in my apartment spending both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day alone.

[insert it's not as cute once you get older]

I'm not even drunk!
[insert drunk santa]

That, i feel, is the real tragedy. If you are going to be alone for the holidays (holidaze) might as well not remember them! AMIRITE? eh? eh.......?


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Well, it's been awhile since my last blizzog (blog) pizzost (post). Pizzost kinda sounds like piss post or pizza post! Respectably gross and delicious. 

I've been wanting and eating pizza for a while as I'm writing this I can only think of pizza. Pizza with pepperoni and mushrooms and onion and green peppers and nomnomnonnom.....
Alright, that's enough of that yall. 

Oh, I got into a show in case any of yall are interested. It's a pretty fun show and e'erbody pretty G D cool.

So that's that. 

I've also gained a thousand pounds. I'm trying to keep up with Oprah!

Was that mean? She might kill me, I mean I do live in Chicago...

Welll if you don't hear from me:
Oprah killed me, personally, in cold blood, with her bare hands, and a steak knife (because she would be eating a buffet as she murdered me).

Saturday, November 15, 2008

You'll never stop the terror

Better ourselves? Mister when you grow up in Skid Row there ain't no such thing.

This is the humming song

It's Friday night (re: Saturday morning)
Isn't time CRAYZEE?!!?

I spent the most important time of today (the time spent outside of work) lookin at art!

the caps was needed bc this school is soooooo awesommme rite!?!?!?!
p.s. also imagine the person saying the title is british so it would be:
[insert mascot (this isn't a joke/maybe it is you don't know!)]

The art was really interesting. Some of it was obvi hit or miss. I'm not artist (actors according to the English are only artisans, since we don't technically create art we merely interpret an artists vision, whatever everyone can totally suck it) but i do know what I like.
And I did like ART.

Saturday has come(obvious joke) and I stretched my political muscle. Ezaboo, Teach and I went downtown to protest Prop 8. 
Srsly I want to be able to get married one day if not married then at least gayrried (gay married) sometime. Maybe if I'm lucky one day I'll be able to get gayvorced!(yall should be able to figure this out yall)

Anyway, it was everything a gay protest be; fun, uplifting, funny and snarky. Oh the snark! The glorious snark <3>

That's about it.
Goodnight and good luck. (sounds sooooo professional!)

Monday, November 10, 2008

sly like a fox; hungry like a wolf

I just laughed really loudly at the sight of a child crying. . . 
Don't worry it was only a child on the tee-vee not a real child. So. . .I'm not that bad. My heart does have the capability to be touched, and not even in the dirty way! I mean just look at these goddamn fucking puppies.
[insert picture of puppiezzz]

Oh quarter-rican and I met our next door neighbors. They were nice! 
I felt like a young adult professional! Wait! That's not good! I felt like a young nouveau bohemian arteest! Wait! No! That's still not right! 

Moving on! I had dinner this weekend with old friends from high school.
[insert my worst nightmare]

It was fun! It was awkward! Mind you, I haven't spoken to these particular old friends in five years. 5 YEARZ! 
It was strange, kinda being confronted with an old life, through people that only knew the old you, you know? I mean, 5 years is a long time, some might even say "loooooong tyme." But it was interesting, catching up, reminiscing.

Other than that......

Enjoy this song by The Finches it's called O Goetingen....I just call it little city big town
whatevz it's totez awes

Thursday, November 6, 2008

This one's for you (this 1z 4 u)

Oh, to go back to those times when I kept my friends close and my enemies so close we're almost kissing.
[insert picture of THE BEST COMEDY ON TV]

And by enemies I mean friends and by friends I mean freinemies and my freinemies I have no idea what I mean because I think freinemies is a word that people born in the 90s say..the 1990s, so I'll stick with the original friends. All my smart friends went abroad.

But those who were the truly smart ones were here in Chicago to watch:
[insert "yes we can"]

Sorry to get political all in this blog. I'll stick with my M.O.
Love you barry bam-bam; mean it.

All I did was:
hang with ezaboo, hotMess and teach
drink some beerz (alcohol and politics go together like alcohol and work)
drool over Anderson Cooper
get crazy inspired by the results
get struck with how beautiful Barack's acceptance was (such well crafted rhetoric yall)

So that's here I am right now.
Much like my country I feel like I'm ready for something different.
Is this the beginning of new chispter ;( blog?
...probably no, I refuse to take the e-netz too srsly (seriously)
[insert 80z picture]

I just want to have fun, but be a boy, is that allowed?

Sunday, October 19, 2008


quarter-rican and I both agree this was the best thing in MJH's career.
(Sam was so cute yall he could climb through my window anytime)

Remember the episode when Nosefuratu came out of the damn movie screen!?! So scary. And with the one where the little boy died outside and kept saying...."I am cold..."

The dancing lady tattoo, the ice cream man with the conehead, Michelle Trachtenberg at her best, flashlight tag? fuck yeah.

The blue barracudas can totally suck it

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I saw you last night by the river


After an ok/long week at work (people ask me for help! wtfffff??)
It's only because they are new and they know even less then me (shocked? well. so. was. I.)
The weekend is among us!
And in honor (honour?) of the weekend I have grown accustomed to wear a BOW TIE
[insert picture of me wearin a bow tie (indulgent? yes. but it's my blog so STFU)]

Friday we had Chip Club which was great. Quarter-rican invited some SIAC friends and we hade homemade pizza! Then writer came over and we had:
Stock Market Crash/Economic Crisis chips. Which means, we chose chips that one could/would/and possible will end up eating in the Great Depression 2.0.
[insert depressing breadline picture which could potentially be our future but with whimsical editing!]

Once that awesomeness ended me and bow tie went out for a little.

It was pretty standard evening, just kidding, it was fun, just kidding it was ok I danced a lot, just kidding I danced a little because my leg got cut off! Just kidding some one stepped on my toe, just kidding I stepped on someones toe they were mad, just kidding they really enjoyed it, we went home together, just kidding that happened in a movie I saw, just kidding it wasn't a movie it was porn, just kidding it was a play produced by my friend ezaboo in chicago! Just kidding it was in new york, just kidding it wasn't ezaboo it was tony kushner just kidding it was me with kushner but it wasn't any good just kidding it's great and it's on right now this is the play you're in it too just kidding your only the audience did you like it! just kidding just kidding just kidding.

Sunday I went to a show with writer it was fun, but every moment is going to be bittersweet with her because she's going to be in france in less than 10 days.
[insert randO picture when I googled small village south of france]

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Do you know what this is son?

Well, it's been awhile since my last post.
Since the last time, I successfully lost my first bow tie, because I am an idiot, but being avid readers of my blog ya'll should know that by now! So I'm going to get a new new bow-tie. I've hung out with people met a an irishman.
[insert possibly offensive picture for the Irish

I thought it was really funny that he was very stereotypical Irish; shortish, pale and red headed, so what I guess what I'm trying to say is that I met a leprechaun. Yet, not one pot o' gold, bowl o' lucky charms, or four leaf clovers were around (or maybe I just couldn't find them....)

Remember when the Irish were an oppressed minority in the USA? Am I bringin oppression back? That is something I'm going to have to think long and hard about. I'm going to have to do some serious soul searchin (srsly i'm not j/k-ing)

Besides that not much happened. Oh! the band LOST IN TREES came and played at a bar/restaurant near me on Thursday.
[insert picture of awesome 11 piece folkband]

Well, here is 3 out of 11. Good enough? and go to their myspace plz? kthnx!

Other than that I'm doing this performance thing for a a fund-raiser at the Steppenwolf theater!

Besides that, here is a musak video
Yelle "Ce Jeu"

She's not even singin in ENGLISH soooo cray cray

What should I be this year for halloween?
<3 begin stereotypical <3
<3 dressin up <3

Sunday, September 28, 2008

if you give a moose a muffin/blog

This weekend was fun:
Being Merry


Tina Fey/Amy Poehler '08

Friday, September 26, 2008

comin back with power power

This is a clandestine post.
I'm at work.
So as I blog I'm going to be constantly looking over my shoulder
*looks over shoulder*
OK all clear
*looks over shoulder*
oh shit!
wonk out!

P.S. this blog is brought to you by 3 cups of coffee in under 2 hours

Monday, September 22, 2008

another night another dream but always blog!

Well my post sickness weekend was good. As I mentioned before I stayed home on Friday and SLEPT
[insert non-sexy bed picture]

<3 sleeping and not having nightmare <3

I did a really cliché things this Saturday (sorry writer for rescheduling! but i'm a jerk!) I hung out with some ____sters in w----- park in a loft apartment/art space. You heard me right, slash art. space.

But i did meet some cool kids but i also met some 1st year art student ____ster wannabes.
If I didn't have such a good time judging them I think I would have killed myself/them.
but they were seriously (srsly?) so young. It was kinda bizarre
[insert adorable baby picture]

But I didn't do much while i was there besides hang out and _____ and _____
oh shiiiiiit
I did see a man get shot (maybe) and die (naybe)
At the party me and a couple of acquintance soon to be friends (maybe/hopefully <3 new friends <3) were looking out the window and we heard a loud BANG and all of a sudden this man just dropped to the ground.
Eventually an ambulance came but they didn't really do anything the guy/body(?) and took him off in a gurney.
so....maybe.........he's ok?
so i guess that part wasn't cliché.
<3 stayin safe/alive <3

Friday, September 19, 2008



I forgot to talk about the crazy ass fever induced dreams I was having.

I guess the only one that I remember was:

Each of my symptoms had a personality and were personified in my office. And my sore throat was being a raging asscunt (sorry so vulgar, but it/she/they really were) and kept trying to convince me the chicken that I had cooked earlier that evening was contaminated with salmonella. And that I was going to die.

That is basically the long and short of it without going into the confusing dream details that bore N E 1 and every1.

I thought I was going insane the entire night because I would be slipping in and out of my dream state and my waking state (AND I COULDN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STATES) and I seriously thought I had givin myself salmonella poisoning and that one of the symptoms was insanity.

But seriously make sure you cooking your chicken thoroughly and don't leave it out of the fridgy for long periods of time

<3 stayin healthy <3

A person could develope a bad bad

Yeah i decided that pg-13 bullshit is played out since i don't have the cute/awesome/appropriate sound cue that they have on arrested development.
<3 tv/dvd sitcoms that was 2 smart 4 gen. audience <3
[insert A.D. picture...that kinda reminds me of BLOSSOM for some reason]

Back to the point (is there one for this?) I was sick, and still am sorta sick, all this week. I even had to miss work for two days [sick days/daze] and that would have been awesome if I wasn't sick and was just faaaaaaakin it

But I wasn't. I fuckin wasn't fakin it. It go so bad on Wednesday (the first day i called off work) i barely could get out of bed without gettin the shakes.

But I stayed in bed ALL DAY and had plenty of liquids and pills (sweet sweet pills) and now (friday) I feel a little better, well better enough to go to work today.

And yes dear readers all...7 of you (if I'm lucky)? It's friday night and....I'm.....blogging....
aaaaaaaand we're moving on!

I got finished with the play festival and it was fun. A lot of fun. It makes me depressed going to work knowing that I won't be in that environment for a while.
On the plus! Two of the playwrights are in my area!
One is doin the grad school thing (grAd skool thang?) up in Northwestern and the other is moving to rogers park! maybe! hopefully! I'm pretty sure! I think.

Wow, other than that I have nothing to write about. Specs and I are gonna brunch it tomorrow
<3 brunch on non-sundays <3
<3 brunch ANY day <3

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Let's give'em something to talk about

Let's give'em something to talk about, how about art?
[insert bonnie raitt which google tells me sung that song]

Day 2 of living in this crazy wacky world we call the THEATRE.
And by wacky crazy I just mean that we started staging the play I'm in. But that was after I spent all day at work anticipating going to rehearsal.
Seriously, all day. I mean work is fine. The people are nice but it's like I'm just there and it's just ______ and that is all. I did get free pastries though. That's a plus!
[insert fat machine/love machines]

I'm still kinda awkward around these theater folks because they all know each other and they are really nice but being the social incompetent that I am sometimes I just stand there while everyone is having conversations about art and theatre. Literally, all. I. do. is. stand. there.

I did see a play about superheroes.
It' kinda reminded me of Dr. ________ by ________Whedon
[insert dreamboat]

But it was good then I got to faux modern dance and do a chekhov monologue.
NOT at the SAME time.
silly goose.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Let's talk about art baby!

Let's talk about art baby, let's talk about you and me, let's talk ab out all the good things and the bad things that we see. Let's talk about art. Let's talk about art.
[insert salt n pepa picture]

Right now I'm laying on an air mattress that I borrowed(stole) from quarter-rican and I'm laying in the sanctuary of a church that has been converted to a cultural/art center in w----- park, that for this week has been converted to a theatre collective space, for a new works festival!

[insert picture that is not the obvi sadface/happyface that all those lame theatre people use] luck finding picture ;(

So yeah, I'm living here for the remainder of the week. So I'm sorta gonna have somethin woht bloggin about! Sorta! ?
I'm livin here because it's closer to work and also because I really really really want to do some fucking art.
Not fucking art. pervz

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I think...but only a little bit

(que that one song by dolly parton 9to5, which is also a movie!)

Now that I have a job
I get up ridiculously early, 6am, really?
I have a crazy long commute, an hour and 10 minutes, seriously?
I have a cubicle, this isn't a joke?
On the plus side, I get health care, eye, dental and life insurance, and a steady paycheck, which I have yet to see because don't I get paid until next. Friday, COME ON!
So I work for this company were I send out emails and make phone calls to customers (what we sell exactly, I'm starting to learn, and it's too boring to talk about here and if I say that you know it's true,) and generaly sit at my cubicle and think about all the events in my life that have brought me to this point.

But this job makes me love and hate the weekends with a passion that I have never experienced.
Love the fact that I have a two days to myself and hate the fact that I only have TWO DAYS to myself.

But i did have a lot of <3 funsies <3 this weekend.

Oh one NOT fun thing that happened was that I had to say goodbye to hiker, she's off to DC then NYC then France. I'm insanely jealous (jalox?) that she is off and writer will soon go off to France as well. well. fuck. them.

Back to the weekend. I hung out with blueline after work then we met up with quarter-rican and her new Art Therapy friend and ate at a restaurant that was, one those places that is trying really hard to be a laid back burger place when in reality it's pretty over priced and kinda bourgey (that doesn't look like what it sounds like, fucking french) and quarter-rican found a hair in her food so she got it for free!
<3 pseudo-insanitary practices <3

Then i went out dancing with m&m because now i feel like i have to prove something with my weekends and pack them with enough "fun" stuff that will make life ok? that sounds a lot sadder than it is. or maybe it's just sad. Yeah, it's sad.

Saturday, Ezaboo and teach and I hung out, basically the entire day. And I was acting like a total nut job. I think part of it was because I was tired from the night before and part of it is because I can act like a nutjob because I'm. not. at. work.

We had brunch at a delicious mediterranean place in andersonville and went back to her place and watched a movie then we went to catch a bus to head to germanfest where we were going to meet hotMess. Oh! heh, waiting to catch the bus we were talking about...ezaboos downstairs and how it was stinkin up the place, and these complete rand-0s (that's random people to you uncool kids) in a cab must have heard us and totally acknowledges us and agreed with the smelly situation downstairs, heh.
<3 taxi-cab gayz <3

We eventually got to germanfest were beer was consumed
then we went to a bar
then we went to another bar
then we went to another bar
then we went to a restaurant
I think the evolution of the night was only natural.

Sunday I gave my soul a little pat on the back and did a physical theater workshop today. it's was so fun and gratifying to do artsy theatre stuff. We created tableau's and eventually created a dance piece and we did other physical stuff it was wonderful
<3 artsy fartsy times <3
Then I got home and picked up my ipod from ezaboo cooked dinner with quarter-rican and now i'm going to sleep because i have work tomorrow

Monday, September 1, 2008

I can feel a difference

Got a lot of take otu with BlueLine/Quarter-rican/Specs
Harolds Chicken! Los Planes Pupuseria!
Clue with BlueLine/Quarter-rican/Specs/Writer
Guesstures with already mentioned friends
Berlin - danced! meet some mid 30s peeps they said i was adorable, then they went to go do _____
Late Night trip to the lake
broke somethin'

what did i do saturday?!
I stayed home (homo)
had cheeps and deep!
..i think that was all i ate?!
quarter-ricans art therapy classmate came over. she was cool

Specs, Ezaboo, Ezaboos friends and I went to BRUNCH. very good very very good
Then we watched Hamlet 2 very good
Except that there is a character that looked very similar to me and seemed to be a warped and lame(er?) version of me. I was disturbed when he was on screen
Went to gay church!
Berlin (yes again) with m&m and his friend
Met lobbyist

had brunch (again?!?!?!) with blondie. date! well i think we more friends! which is good <3
walked around with blondie
made bbq chicken pizza with quarter-rican
ate said pizza with her and specs
watched Gossip Girl (i mean sports)



will talk about work in a later post.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Shoulda Burned the Bitch Down

So being out of school for about 3 months now and officially in the adult world and no I don't mean adult entertainment world, even though I did think about it. 
It's a little strange to think that as I type this entry, bright and fresh faced new students (soon to be sleep deprived, drug abusers/addicts, alcoholics, study-oholics, (rage-oholics?)) have spent their first day in our over-priced liberal arts school in the middle of nowhere. 
It kinda makes me sick to think about because, well, I'm jealous. I want to be excited to be moving to a new place, but without the free of having to get a job, or find an apartment in order to survive. At school there was everything! 
Friends close enough to walk to their house/room

So, yes, I think I have the right to be jealous? These idiots don't know how good they got it. They are just gonna spend the next 4-5 years boozin, hanging out, learnin, partyin, ______, and "loving life" 
Well at least I have one thing to comfort my cold dead adult world heart, after 4-5 years it's going to be their turn.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Candy weighin' both of my pockets down

This weekend has been the first weekend that I've been sort of at ease.
Because (list alert!)

I got a job (as hopefully people got the news from the previous post)
I have the opportunity to have money
I have the key interest in spending money
After having to be frugal for a while I know when I can splurge and when it isn't necassary
I hung out with hotMess and talked about life
I hung out with hotMess talked about life and had a lot sangria
I went to the jo-jo newsy concert with hiker

That's joanna newsom to all you uncool kids. (kidz?)

Then hiker and I went up to Evanston to meet up with writer for a drink and then we headed up to her place for a sleepover!

Then the next morning we found a couch!
That has a pull-out mattress!
We can finally have people over!

All we have to do is figure out how to get it upstairs!
I'm sure we can do it!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gold Laméy!


Gold Lamé

I also got a call for something else which might lead to another employment opportunity?
Things are, at least for now, looking up.
Everything's comin' up milhouse!

Besides that pseudo-mexi, lemofpin, argyle and s are visiting! So we have a full apt!
Oh! and m&m is also staying with us, slightly longer term because he's apartment shoppin'. more like apartment hoppin! No? No.
Oh! specs and I went down, down to chinatown yesterday(Tuesday) and bought rolls and gummi candy!

oh and writer...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Prof. Plum in the Lounge with the Wrench

A'right a'right a'right already! This is getting a little absurd:

1st thing that came up on google image when I typed in absurd!
Ok so I'm still searchin!
I might:
Work for a popcorn factory
Work for Mcdonalds
Work on a street corner
Work as worlds best/worst friend!
Work as worlds best/worst roommate!

So far the popcorn factory seems like the best bet? Or at a banana stand, there's always money i the banana stand!

On the plus side I have gotten cast in a showcase here in Chicago! I get to pretend to be other people! It's in September, i'll keep all 6 readers posted! The plays are pretty interesting. And this will let people see me do my thing. I also have to schedule a meeting with a guy that works for a theater here in Chicago call House Theatre. He seem nice and open to showing me the ins and outs of theater here in Chicago. So that sounds promising!

On another plus side I decided to get a tattoo it's gonna be a narwhal!
That sh*t is so hardcore!(?)

Oh and oxford sent me a care package! Because she knows I'm down to 1.5 meals a day. So thank you oxford, i love you and i'm gonna miss you and be insanely jealous while you are off in England. Pssh more like en-glands, I don't even know what that means and I already apologize.

And there is always the Olympics, I have nothing to say about them, well actually, how the fuck do bodies do that?!?! I'm pretty sure if I tried to do anything even vaguely resembling what they do i would die. It would actually end with my dead body in a pool/gym/track. And I'm always secretly hoping the Chinese do well because I don't want their gvt. to make them "disappear" after the game.

Oh and I also had my first date. ever. we went to church.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Tornado watch/warning.

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering if you wanted to chase this tornado, or if you just wanted to catch the next one. "

Psssh ,not as bad as everyone says.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ya Burnt!

Thursday, I had a fake day at work. A really posh (posh!? I thought we were in *MERICA!?!?) fancy restaurant interviewed me to be a bus-boy now known as busser because bus-boys can also have vagina's.
they had me come in later on Thursday (the same day I had my interview) and had my trial with another busser to see how the job is done in a fancy restaurant.
Having never:
Worked at a fancy restaurant
Eatin at a fancy restaurant
Been inside a fancy restaurant
(I have seen many on TV/Movies)
I was a little unprepared.
But nothing horrible went wrong. It seemed like an OK place. The staff was friendly, especially ivan and juan, (fellow bussers).

Friday, came and went and I got a call from a company, but i missed their call, so I will call them and make them hire me.
I did get to hang out with state, he's a really interesting guy with awesome style, and I hung out with him and a couple of other ___sters.
Saturday, writer and I hung out, watched some 30rock, met up with hiker after her day at the restaurant. Hung out at DUKES made friends with some dalmatians and writer and I accidentally underestimated some guys musical knowledge, even though he ended up not knowing the band we were talking about. It...was...a little awkward.
Then writer and I headed to Berlin.
not this Berlin:
But a club. Where the music was fine but the people watching was better. We say a really awkward/funny dancing foursome....I think you would have to be find it...funny