Monday, June 30, 2008

Don't blog angry just blog

Right, so today I had an appointment and for those not in "the know" when I say appointment, I mean audition/callback. Lucky for me this was a callback, meaning that I did decently at an audition. Unlucky for me was that my callback did not go as well as I hoped it would go and now I'm drinkin whiskey. But this isn't going to turn into some kind of pathetic cry for validation of my talent, this is going to turn into a pathetic cry for my social skills. Or social skillz as some (me, my friends, 12 year old girls) might call it. 
In my defense, I had some disadvantages, 1. I'm new to Chicago and more specifically the theatre scene here. Almost everyone seemed to know each other. And 2. I'm me. I went to a liberal arts school where awkwardness rains supreme. I'm not saying it's was all schools fault but let's just say my school has a type and I most definitely fit into that certain (awkward) type. But c'mon! What am I to do? All the coolest kids at school were awkward, they just managed to channel their awkwardness into a mask of superiority and condescension or into alcoholism, both of which were not on my side.
While everyone was talking with friends they went to college with, or knew from prior theatre stuff or were just plain friendly, there I was, sitting with them completely silent. My only contribution would have been an off-color/slightly racist/completely inappropriate comment, which I kept to myself. 
So I did my thing, and was released a little earlier then everyone else (hence the whiskey) but all I can think about is my school what it has taught me and chips and mcdoz.
sweet sweet chips and mcdoz

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