And I never had the chance to see her live.
Double ;(
It's as if she is calling out to me to take over, to give the public what they deserve what they yearn for, a really shitty/embarrassing cover band.
quarter-rican and I were discussing our future band while we went out on the town with blueline. And by out on the town I mean to the bar that is less than a block away. But we did hear a mandolin being played...maybe he'll join the band too...Damn today was hot too, it was one of those days where it feels like too
much effort to do anything but watch tv, so that's what I did, I watched tv and then I went to a bar. What a big day!
I watched quality tv though, daria. That show was funny.
2 funny 4 wordz.
It brought me back to my childhood, back when mtv was still kinda cool b/c they were branching out from playing only music videos, representing those disenfranchised youth, you know, the ones that wore glasses.
R.I.P M.T.V.
Speaking of R.I.P. I might end up working for the gap....yeah...the gap...
Also, another R.I.P. to being young and unmarried.
My friend from home had his bachelor's party today, that I planned but could not attend b/c I am in Chicago and his in Ohio.
That sucked.
Yes he is getting married at 22. I'm actually really happy for him, it's just strange to think that he is going to be a married.
Adults do that. Never mind that we graduated college, are living away from home (not just during school) and are looking for real j-o-bz, he's getting married and I have to give a speech and it's a dry wedding.
Maybe my cover band could play during the reception?
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