Monday, June 16, 2008

Sister Mary-Fake?

Alright, too many people blog, and I actually just heard a story on NPR (dork-alert!) that bloggers are ruining journalism . . . Thank you internet for completing the destruction of journalism as an institution!
Anyway, I'm starting this blog mostly as the follow-through to a long final year joke in Oberlin about starting a blog.
So, fuck you all my friends! Whom I will force to read this.
As I'm writing this 7DS, and I are watching Sister Act II. . . gay! DD and LCKgrrl are fast asleep. And my friend from the NorthWest who is helping me out via gchat (name TBA) is helping me, b/c I am internet retar--. . .mis-informed.
OK, so it's actually up semi-late/I know i'll be up for much longer but I'm too lazy to write anymore.
So, this blog will be my rambling about life in Chicago, chipclub, and green porno . . all these will be explained in later post  

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