As for me, having a panic/anxiety...panxiety(!) is not something that I would have penciled in.
Get up
brush my teeth
make breakfast
get to the train
-> anxiety <-
get to work
and that will carry me straight through until the end of the day!
Thank goodness I have a schedule or else I'd really be fucked!
In the course of 12 hours, I have become so fixated on one idea, one train of thought, one possibility that could become an inevitability that I have lost any kind of words to express myself.
I'm no Madonna at this moment.
All I can feel right now is tightening in my chest and this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as if something truly horrible is going to happen.
Some kind of disaster that I have no control over or even know when it's going to strike. Like when the Empire struck back. No one knew! Or when the Terminator would come back, no one guessed it was going to be as a the governor of California. Did you? No, you didn't.
No one knows when anyone is going to return or come back with a vengeance or faster and furiouserer or even to be lost in New York! Macaulay, wasn't ready, how do you expect me to be?
restless and nervous, pretty much a moody, distractable ball of crazy. The motivation for this cluster fuck of nervousness is something that others would be excited over: the prospect of getting to know someone.
What if I'm not what they want?
What if they aren't what I want?
What if, after getting to know them initially, there are somethings fundamentally incompatible?
Or what if I'm not ready? or something...
What if, I'm just creating these problems because I'm a psycho and actually caught in a Twilight Zone episode where everyone else is normal and I'm the freak. How that differs from everyday...I've yet to figure out.
you know
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Going dooooooown. party town.
On Saturday I really wanted friday chicken but, SURPRISE, there is no fucking fried chicken anywhere in williamsblurg.
So instead I went shorpping. Insteading of eating delicious, high cholesterol causing, heart-attack inducing, fried chickens, I smoosh smoshed my way to thriftin store. Well it actually isn't a thrift store, it's a vintage store.
And I bought some shirts(!) and shoes(.) The shoes are only a'ight.
Wow, I never realized how boring talking about shopping is.
so so sososososososos sosoo sosoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Saturday, April 24, 2010
and that right there
When asked, sometimes I answer "oh you know just...stuff." But last night, a stroke of genius. Or maybe just a stroke! My mouth did get all lopsided (is it kinda sad that I initially misspelled genius but I had no problem with lopsided?)!
"creative nonfiction" and with those two words I was set free. Fictional nonfiction...which basically means I can be a liar and no one can say shit!
Sitting in the dimly light bar; the kind of bar that gets dimlier light, dimmer lighter, I was confronted with the, "oh, what do you write?" Honestly I never thought that I would become on of those people that says, "Oh, I write."
Because that's not the whole motherfuckin' truth. (<-------adamant much?) I like to write and I like to write in this billa bong betty babe blog and i like alliteration. But I don't write. I'm not a writer. I have friends who are writers and that's what they do or try to do. I'm just here for giggle n' things. So after my friend asked me that, after I was done punching him in the face repeatedly until i collapsed from exhaustion. My knuckles bloody and possibly broken. I picked myself up, dragged my friend up by the collar slapped him back to consciousness I said "creative nonfiction."
Sitting in the dimly light bar; the kind of bar that gets dimlier light, dimmer lighter, I was confronted with the, "oh, what do you write?" Honestly I never thought that I would become on of those people that says, "Oh, I write."
Because that's not the whole motherfuckin' truth. (<-------adamant much?) I like to write and I like to write in this billa bong betty babe blog and i like alliteration. But I don't write. I'm not a writer. I have friends who are writers and that's what they do or try to do. I'm just here for giggle n' things. So after my friend asked me that, after I was done punching him in the face repeatedly until i collapsed from exhaustion. My knuckles bloody and possibly broken. I picked myself up, dragged my friend up by the collar slapped him back to consciousness I said "creative nonfiction."
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
when you say my
So, let's talk about gLee for a second? Can we? No, well, who asked you (i did, <--------over there).
Of course we are going to talk about gLee a'durh.
So this episode was "The Power of Madonna." This is probably hands down the most legitimate (non fanboy, which I guess I am) fun I've had watching gLee.
I love the show and while I love almost every episode I've watched, I really liked this episode. Like, like liked.
Like, I would want to ask it to junior prom, have my mom drive is to The Olive Garden or Applebees, buy it dinner, hold it's hand the entire night, slow dance with it, then give it an awkward tentative kiss after I had my friend (who had a car) drive to their front door. Then I would write gLee a note and pass it to it before 2nd period that Monday after the dance, saying how much fun I had.
This episode was all about empowering yourself, finding yourself, changing yourself or losing yourself. Or, losing it! By it I mean doing the nasty (fuuuuuuuuuucking). Madonna was brilliantly used, because COME ON, she is the queen of reinvention and artifice. Like my roomie said, she's a cultural artifact (she's old!). ANYWAY
Sue, megalomaniac that she is, of course idolizes The Donna. She makes a sexy blackmailing deal with the principle (whom if you remember she drugged), to play Madonna full blast in the school then eventually kick some students out, with 35 dollars and a bus ticket to New York.
First why couldn't my school (which was in Ohio) play Madonna at my school? Right, because I live in real life.
So Sue, genius that she is, wants to empower or change everyone to be more like Madonna, she starts with the Cheerios but expands to the ENTIRE school (squeee). We soon see shots of different era Madonna's roving the halls!!
The lady's of Glee are having their lady times in the practice room; talkin' bout how boys are dumb and all they wanna do is sex a girl up and what if she's not ready? and what if he won't like her if she's say no?? and what if he wants her to change from her stupid goth look that midwesterns lurvz??? and what if he get's me preggo and acts like a jerk???? ( a lil too real) and what if no boiz notice me????? Too. Real.
Answer to all these questions is MADONNA. Use the power of her song to show the d00dZ who's boss. The guys are all apprehensive like somehow singing Madonna will make their penis flop off. It won't. It'll just turn you gay. gay gay gay gay. The girls are all like: You fools stoopid. And sing
Express Yourself - This is what i thought whilst I was watching. You go girl! That's what I thought. And they did, they really did go.
There's the continuing DRAMZ between Finnigans Wake and Rachael McAdams. Will they or won't they? Will i care or won't i care? I say that I won't but I probably will. Well they did a (s)mash up (that's when to songs are placed on the front of two cars then driven into each other to make some sounds), of Borderline/Open Your Heart. It was a good duet. Mind you, not as good as when Rach and Jesse sang, but you know kinda a safe and warm like a ratty old blanket. You see they still want to be together, obviously, but they don't know if they can open up to each other or even if they have to change in order to make it work.
But prior they decided to make it work with others. To see if they can change for someone else; be something else for someone else who will appreciate it.
This happened with most of the couples on gLee.
Rachel n' Jesse
Emma n' Will
Santana n' Finn (dun dun dun!)
So, listen, Santana, in a bid to win over Sue's favors and become more madgey, decided to get with Finn (since he is like 3 days younger), and take that V-card. Empowering herself; changing Finn. It's a win-win, for her, it's win-in for her.
Emma, after getting the proverbial smackdown by Sue. Denying her MADONNA ubertragedy. Emmas was like ef it, time to get busay, do the nastay and start the foreplay at 7:30. Sharp. Will was.....excited. Empowering her sexy self.
Rachel, probably in a move to try and forget about Finn is going to make it with the dreamest of villains Jesse. Plus how can anyone resist the subtle manipulation of a gay, (seriously, call me). While she was wearing a purple caped negligee.
Like A Virgin, was turned into a 6 part song extravaganza. Arguable on of the best numbers of the night. The three that had the most to lose, things like; virginity, self-respect...cleanliness, other nonsense, had fantasies about what it would be like. That much proliferated myth of the first time. The song was fun and sexy and moments felt a little dangerous, like most first times, but was ultimately disappointing for most of the most first times? Rachel realized she was "doing it for all the wrong reasons." Emma freaked a lil, of course. Finn did "it" then he got the buyers remorse, and probably chlamydia.
I love the show and while I love almost every episode I've watched, I really liked this episode. Like, like liked.
Like, I would want to ask it to junior prom, have my mom drive is to The Olive Garden or Applebees, buy it dinner, hold it's hand the entire night, slow dance with it, then give it an awkward tentative kiss after I had my friend (who had a car) drive to their front door. Then I would write gLee a note and pass it to it before 2nd period that Monday after the dance, saying how much fun I had.
This episode was all about empowering yourself, finding yourself, changing yourself or losing yourself. Or, losing it! By it I mean doing the nasty (fuuuuuuuuuucking). Madonna was brilliantly used, because COME ON, she is the queen of reinvention and artifice. Like my roomie said, she's a cultural artifact (she's old!). ANYWAY
Sue, megalomaniac that she is, of course idolizes The Donna. She makes a sexy blackmailing deal with the principle (whom if you remember she drugged), to play Madonna full blast in the school then eventually kick some students out, with 35 dollars and a bus ticket to New York.
First why couldn't my school (which was in Ohio) play Madonna at my school? Right, because I live in real life.
So Sue, genius that she is, wants to empower or change everyone to be more like Madonna, she starts with the Cheerios but expands to the ENTIRE school (squeee). We soon see shots of different era Madonna's roving the halls!!
The lady's of Glee are having their lady times in the practice room; talkin' bout how boys are dumb and all they wanna do is sex a girl up and what if she's not ready? and what if he won't like her if she's say no?? and what if he wants her to change from her stupid goth look that midwesterns lurvz??? and what if he get's me preggo and acts like a jerk???? ( a lil too real) and what if no boiz notice me????? Too. Real.
Answer to all these questions is MADONNA. Use the power of her song to show the d00dZ who's boss. The guys are all apprehensive like somehow singing Madonna will make their penis flop off. It won't. It'll just turn you gay. gay gay gay gay. The girls are all like: You fools stoopid. And sing
Express Yourself - This is what i thought whilst I was watching. You go girl! That's what I thought. And they did, they really did go.
There's the continuing DRAMZ between Finnigans Wake and Rachael McAdams. Will they or won't they? Will i care or won't i care? I say that I won't but I probably will. Well they did a (s)mash up (that's when to songs are placed on the front of two cars then driven into each other to make some sounds), of Borderline/Open Your Heart. It was a good duet. Mind you, not as good as when Rach and Jesse sang, but you know kinda a safe and warm like a ratty old blanket. You see they still want to be together, obviously, but they don't know if they can open up to each other or even if they have to change in order to make it work.
But prior they decided to make it work with others. To see if they can change for someone else; be something else for someone else who will appreciate it.
This happened with most of the couples on gLee.
Rachel n' Jesse
Emma n' Will
Santana n' Finn (dun dun dun!)
So, listen, Santana, in a bid to win over Sue's favors and become more madgey, decided to get with Finn (since he is like 3 days younger), and take that V-card. Empowering herself; changing Finn. It's a win-win, for her, it's win-in for her.
Emma, after getting the proverbial smackdown by Sue. Denying her MADONNA ubertragedy. Emmas was like ef it, time to get busay, do the nastay and start the foreplay at 7:30. Sharp. Will was.....excited. Empowering her sexy self.
Rachel, probably in a move to try and forget about Finn is going to make it with the dreamest of villains Jesse. Plus how can anyone resist the subtle manipulation of a gay, (seriously, call me). While she was wearing a purple caped negligee.
Like A Virgin, was turned into a 6 part song extravaganza. Arguable on of the best numbers of the night. The three that had the most to lose, things like; virginity, self-respect...cleanliness, other nonsense, had fantasies about what it would be like. That much proliferated myth of the first time. The song was fun and sexy and moments felt a little dangerous, like most first times, but was ultimately disappointing for most of the most first times? Rachel realized she was "doing it for all the wrong reasons." Emma freaked a lil, of course. Finn did "it" then he got the buyers remorse, and probably chlamydia.
Errmrmm Santana was all sing-sangin' on the episode.
Sue, in the meanwhiles was having some empowerment issues of her own. Worried about her image or lack there of. Recruiting, Gay Kid and Aretha, that's Kurt and Mercedes for everyone not in the "know," Sue had her Madonnaesque reinvention.
a la: Vogue. They basically redid the musik video. It was a'ight. I lorf me some voguin'z but it was...merk. I guess the magicks was gone since they played the full thing after the episode of last weeks gLee and ey'body and de momz was already bloggin' bout it bout it.
Sue comes to her sense and goes back to Classic Sue; track suit, sinister sneer and kung fu grip. Like Classis Sue, she recruits Gay Kid n' Aretha AGAIN to do a number with the Cheerios.
Four Minutes was really spectacular. Not only because Mercedes and Kurt had the Cheerios and Marching Band as their back up, but also because, they are talented and I think even the writers new they haven't used them to their fullest sangin' potensh. Plus they laid the verbal smack on Schue, who is arguably the worst Show Choir Director ever.
So so dumb.
The boy's were trying to get over beng scured that their penises will fall off and runaway from them if they sung Madonna by singin' What it Feels Like for a Girl. It was a cool interestingly arranged acapella version. The boys sang and sounded good and changed a lil it and 'pologized to the ladays that they had wrong or whatever. Except for Puck who was like "na, evz I ain't down wit that." Which is ok because he is super hot.
Oh! and guessssssssss who moved the district, transferred to McKinley High and joined the Glee! I mean Jesse! To bang Rachel! and even more likely to fuck shit all to hell for the our gLee kids.
So this episode ended with, Like A Prayer. Everyone on gLee is need of a prayer; Rachel, that her love won't blow up in her and the Glee clubs face, Finn that he'll still have a chance to win Rachel and that he didn't get the clap from Santana, Kurt n' Mercedes have a had their prayers to be stars answered a lil bit, Will is still hopin' for that sweet love from Emma, Emma is prayin' to get over bein' a germophobe and get lizzaid, Jesse that he'll take down glee and get in Rach's pants and the rest of the kids have a prayer to get more screen time. Well at least Santana and Brittany rocked that shit last night.
Rocked it.
Monday, April 19, 2010
I don't know why
After a less than thrilling day at work. Can you work it? let me work it? something something flip it and reverse it?
I was going to write some stuff down on this. Some creative writing stuff; creagaytive writing.
I don't like to brag or anything but I don't get lonely.Well, not to say I don't get "lonely," I mean I get "lonely" I just don't feel lonely. Or, I mean, that's not right, that's not what I mean to, that's not what I want to say. People think that loneliness is some kind of whole or pit or some other vaguely feminine, slightly misogynistic (Isn't it? swelling with happiness equals phallic; falling into depression...sapphic) metaphor. I don't feel like I'm falling; that I'm surrounded by darkness none of that cliched bullshit. I have this new cliched bullshit. It feels like a burning sensation. Like I'm being branded, changed, marked. I'm surrounded and entered by a light. Fucked. I'm being fucked and everyone knows it. It changes me. I don't mind the endless flame. My own personal eternal flame. Remember that song? Do you understand?...Whatever, it's a good song. I revel in it because I can't not. So, no I'm not lonely, I'm on fire; consumed from the inside out.
What this ole thing? It's just something that I whipped up. It's an old recipe really! Something I have tucked away in case people come by. Because, oh, you know, you can never know when anything can happen! Better to be a prepared polly! Just, a lil' ole thing that I might put into my play that I'm working on. Yes, the same play that I've been working on for a while. The same ole shit that I have spread out in a multitude of napkins, lose papers, so leaves, my bedroom walls, my computer (not in a word document mind you, on the screen scrawled with a razor blade...woah that went to a much darker place then i intended..)
[insert; ya got served]
I was going to write some stuff down on this. Some creative writing stuff; creagaytive writing.
I don't like to brag or anything but I don't get lonely.Well, not to say I don't get "lonely," I mean I get "lonely" I just don't feel lonely. Or, I mean, that's not right, that's not what I mean to, that's not what I want to say. People think that loneliness is some kind of whole or pit or some other vaguely feminine, slightly misogynistic (Isn't it? swelling with happiness equals phallic; falling into depression...sapphic) metaphor. I don't feel like I'm falling; that I'm surrounded by darkness none of that cliched bullshit. I have this new cliched bullshit. It feels like a burning sensation. Like I'm being branded, changed, marked. I'm surrounded and entered by a light. Fucked. I'm being fucked and everyone knows it. It changes me. I don't mind the endless flame. My own personal eternal flame. Remember that song? Do you understand?...Whatever, it's a good song. I revel in it because I can't not. So, no I'm not lonely, I'm on fire; consumed from the inside out.
What this ole thing? It's just something that I whipped up. It's an old recipe really! Something I have tucked away in case people come by. Because, oh, you know, you can never know when anything can happen! Better to be a prepared polly! Just, a lil' ole thing that I might put into my play that I'm working on. Yes, the same play that I've been working on for a while. The same ole shit that I have spread out in a multitude of napkins, lose papers, so leaves, my bedroom walls, my computer (not in a word document mind you, on the screen scrawled with a razor blade...woah that went to a much darker place then i intended..)
[insert; ya got served]

Thursday, April 15, 2010
go go go! oh no...
Right, sometimes the stars align and something amazing enters into your life like a burning fire. It changes you and brings you a new depth of the knowledge into the person you are, the person you were and, perhaps, the person you are meant to become.
I woke up this evening around 9. YES this EVENING because I took a nap at like 8, shut it, I know, I've heard it all before.
The some preternatural force seemed to take over my hands and I went to the youtube (Utoob EWE-tüb) and I typed in my home town and came across this:
[insert: these are two examples what what people do in my hometown for fun]
OK, so I'm not putting these up to be malicious or even to actually mock anyone. Really! I don't know these people or have anything against them. This is where I'm from.
It actually helps me make sense of why I am the way I am? or something.
I woke up this evening around 9. YES this EVENING because I took a nap at like 8, shut it, I know, I've heard it all before.
The some preternatural force seemed to take over my hands and I went to the youtube (Utoob EWE-tüb) and I typed in my home town and came across this:
[insert: these are two examples what what people do in my hometown for fun]
OK, so I'm not putting these up to be malicious or even to actually mock anyone. Really! I don't know these people or have anything against them. This is where I'm from.
It actually helps me make sense of why I am the way I am? or something.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I don't know why you say
HELLO....hello? echo-cho-cho-ho-o-o-o
Wow, what a stupid way to start a post. Stupid and cheesy and delicious and potentially heart attacky like the new KFC HeartTerminatrex.

But you know, I can't help it.
So let's get "down n' dirty" into the real "nitty gritty," to the "meat n' potatoes" to the other folksy saying of why I'm written in this mofo.
Glee, or gLee as I like to type it, premiered last night. It was amazing, of course. I'm not that blinded by the glitter and rainbow puppies that is this show to say that it was perfect but it was pretty gosh darned good.
There were moments when the writing was a little uneven. For example: Emma's return to her position, Finn and Rachel's relash and Puck n Quinn's relash. I gueeeeessssss you could say a'duh Emma is going to come back and Rachel would wrangle in Finn but come on, give us sooooome reasoning. Some seasoning reasoning.
But God Damn! Brittany what a beautiful/stupid character! From gay sharks to forgetting her own name there is not one thing that is wrong with B, except for perhaps her chromosomal levels.
The addition of Jesse St. James (ie: my future husband -slash- current sweet sweet fantasy) was amazing. He and Rachel are like one of those couples that make you want to tear your eyes out with their ambition but when they sing it...mmmhmmm I wouldn't kick that out of bed. Well I wouldn't say no to that in bed n e ways so.....that's that.
Let's talk about some tunes shall we?
Hello, I Love You as sung by local JockTard Finn was great b/c well he doesn't have a pretty voice; he has a voice made for classic unpolished rock. It was good cuuuuurz it was his style and he also wasn't too horrible AutoTuned. So that was fun.
Hello by the All 'Merican Rejectz (or something) was owned by Rachel. She bitch slapped Finn with her vocals, so that was you know...good for her! After he totally ditched her for a potential threesome....duh.
The most outstanding number was Hello with Rachel and Jesse because Jesse is as talented (I almost wrote ass talented, which would also be true) as Rach. And he has the confidence of 3 Regional wins. The harmony were like two voices fucking it was that good.
Jesse showed how awesome he was with Highway to Hell, sure it was a little to sugary and playful but THAT BOY CAN SANG. Again Jesse, or I guess ,actor who plays Jesse, I'm here, here for you and waiting.
Hello, Goodbye was pretty good the dynamic between Rachel and Finn was fun, if not a little contrived. Finn fine you'll try to idiot woo her with you idiot charm and now we have ANOTHER love triangle (babble triangle) to hear about.
Let's talk about the non-singing:
Each time Sue Sylvester is on screen, I die from joy. Her loathing for Glee club seeps from her pores in the most organic way that is just amazing. She bribes her students, mocks and harasses her co-workers, (hatchet to the groin! ouch!) and Drugs and Pseudo-Rapes and Blackmails her employer, she is the all-American hero. I think right?
Terri was phenomenal, she knows how to twist the knife so gently in Emma's side that it's kind of like watching a artist shade a landscape. Good for you Terri, you crazy bitch, good for you.
Idina Menzel...errrr...I mean Shelby C. was a little wooden, but hopefully she'll get better. She'll make a good villain and I hope she totez bones Will. Sidenote: Will being sexy can tone it down like 50 percent, seriously, you freak me out. Stop. Thanks.
So that was gLee.
It was awesome, can't wait for the rest of this halfsies season.
Wow, what a stupid way to start a post. Stupid and cheesy and delicious and potentially heart attacky like the new KFC HeartTerminatrex.

But you know, I can't help it.
So let's get "down n' dirty" into the real "nitty gritty," to the "meat n' potatoes" to the other folksy saying of why I'm written in this mofo.
Glee, or gLee as I like to type it, premiered last night. It was amazing, of course. I'm not that blinded by the glitter and rainbow puppies that is this show to say that it was perfect but it was pretty gosh darned good.
There were moments when the writing was a little uneven. For example: Emma's return to her position, Finn and Rachel's relash and Puck n Quinn's relash. I gueeeeessssss you could say a'duh Emma is going to come back and Rachel would wrangle in Finn but come on, give us sooooome reasoning. Some seasoning reasoning.
But God Damn! Brittany what a beautiful/stupid character! From gay sharks to forgetting her own name there is not one thing that is wrong with B, except for perhaps her chromosomal levels.
The addition of Jesse St. James (ie: my future husband -slash- current sweet sweet fantasy) was amazing. He and Rachel are like one of those couples that make you want to tear your eyes out with their ambition but when they sing it...mmmhmmm I wouldn't kick that out of bed. Well I wouldn't say no to that in bed n e ways so.....that's that.
Let's talk about some tunes shall we?
Hello, I Love You as sung by local JockTard Finn was great b/c well he doesn't have a pretty voice; he has a voice made for classic unpolished rock. It was good cuuuuurz it was his style and he also wasn't too horrible AutoTuned. So that was fun.
Hello by the All 'Merican Rejectz (or something) was owned by Rachel. She bitch slapped Finn with her vocals, so that was you know...good for her! After he totally ditched her for a potential threesome....duh.
The most outstanding number was Hello with Rachel and Jesse because Jesse is as talented (I almost wrote ass talented, which would also be true) as Rach. And he has the confidence of 3 Regional wins. The harmony were like two voices fucking it was that good.
Jesse showed how awesome he was with Highway to Hell, sure it was a little to sugary and playful but THAT BOY CAN SANG. Again Jesse, or I guess ,actor who plays Jesse, I'm here, here for you and waiting.
Hello, Goodbye was pretty good the dynamic between Rachel and Finn was fun, if not a little contrived. Finn fine you'll try to idiot woo her with you idiot charm and now we have ANOTHER love triangle (babble triangle) to hear about.
Let's talk about the non-singing:
Each time Sue Sylvester is on screen, I die from joy. Her loathing for Glee club seeps from her pores in the most organic way that is just amazing. She bribes her students, mocks and harasses her co-workers, (hatchet to the groin! ouch!) and Drugs and Pseudo-Rapes and Blackmails her employer, she is the all-American hero. I think right?
Terri was phenomenal, she knows how to twist the knife so gently in Emma's side that it's kind of like watching a artist shade a landscape. Good for you Terri, you crazy bitch, good for you.
Idina Menzel...errrr...I mean Shelby C. was a little wooden, but hopefully she'll get better. She'll make a good villain and I hope she totez bones Will. Sidenote: Will being sexy can tone it down like 50 percent, seriously, you freak me out. Stop. Thanks.
So that was gLee.
It was awesome, can't wait for the rest of this halfsies season.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
shawty what yo
So you know how everyone (or most everyone (or most everyone that matters (or maybe doesn't matter (?) ya'heard! )))[<----so many paranthesiisisisissss] has preconceived notions of what a certain persons of certain professions are supposed to do.
Weeeeeeeell, maybe you don't, but I do, which is why I'm drinking and writing.
See people have been writing and drankin' for 4Evr:
Tennessee Williams
Fitzgerald and so much more!
You know Emily Dickinson was pound back the jager and girrrrrl pleeeeeease the Bronte sisters were like the women in The Jersey Shore! What?
[insert: They just wanted to live it up!]

Sorry I'm drunk.
But in the tradition of writers all over the world, here I am drankin' n writin'. Unlike the dignified scotch, I'm drinking white wine that cost me like 9 dollars. So I'm the Real Housewives of writing.
I'm dropping reality show references all over this sucker.
The Bachelor, boom! Another one!
ummm...something...about either losing weight/being on top/winning a project or eating X-treme things or X-treme amounts of things!
See being a writer is easy.
[insert: gu'duh]

psych, it was fantasy
Weeeeeeeell, maybe you don't, but I do, which is why I'm drinking and writing.
See people have been writing and drankin' for 4Evr:
Tennessee Williams
Fitzgerald and so much more!
You know Emily Dickinson was pound back the jager and girrrrrl pleeeeeease the Bronte sisters were like the women in The Jersey Shore! What?
[insert: They just wanted to live it up!]

Sorry I'm drunk.
But in the tradition of writers all over the world, here I am drankin' n writin'. Unlike the dignified scotch, I'm drinking white wine that cost me like 9 dollars. So I'm the Real Housewives of writing.
I'm dropping reality show references all over this sucker.
The Bachelor, boom! Another one!
ummm...something...about either losing weight/being on top/winning a project or eating X-treme things or X-treme amounts of things!
See being a writer is easy.
[insert: gu'duh]

psych, it was fantasy
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
from the courtyard
Do you want to know how gay I am?
The last thing I remember before I woke up this morning was a dream that I was taking, part in a sing-a-long to the opening number to a Broadway musical called March of the Falsettos.
A musical from the 80s
the 80s
The last thing I remember before I woke up this morning was a dream that I was taking, part in a sing-a-long to the opening number to a Broadway musical called March of the Falsettos.
A musical from the 80s
the 80s
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
I thought you'd
Well, It's Tuesday and I'm just now. YES! now! getting to write about what happened this weekend.
God, that's sounds like the prompt for a 3rd grade essay assignment.
Mrs. Teacher: OK class today were are going to break into groups and write about what we did last weekend.
3rd grader: Why are we splitting up into groups?
3rd grader #2: Yeah, When we all did different things?
Mrs. Teacher: Class who here went to The Ohio State University to get their degree in Art History?
And who was forced by their mother to change because the Arts are for girls that are talented and that you should stick to something average girls excel at, so why not teacher? "Why not that hun"?
And who here had a little too much wine one night and thought "surrre we don't have to use a condom Tommy, just, you know don't finish."
And who did not have any money to as your mother would say "go to Columbus" and "Take care of it?"
And are you stuck raising a child you didn't want, in a town you hate, working at a job that leaves you weeping in your bathroom after you were sick drinking too much wine, because Tommy always buys the cheap swill?
No. So get into you groups and write about your weekends.
3rd grade class:...
[insert: i google imaged this picture with "3rd grade teacher" isn't fun to think she is saying it?]

...So what I did on my weekend was actually really fun!
Friday some coworkerz and I went to get some drankz after werk.
So we went and got some mothafuckin mahgahrahtahs up in this bitch.
We had a nice little chat (Heidi Klum says that on Project Running with Scissors!) about things and things and liberal art things and sexual health stuff and queer activism miscellany and stuff we have the privilege to talk about. But we also talked about horoscopes! And that was nice.
Later we walked across the WilliamsBLURG bridge, (yeah I know, I know STFU life) but it was really nice in that highly romanticized young! new york! experience.
[insert: we didn't look like this]

Saturday was a blerk day.
So that was filled by a haze a sleepiness whilst (<----so english RITE??) I was guzzling down any caffeine drink I could wrap my grubby monkey paws around. But things took a decidedly upward swing when a good friend (from Chicago) came! We watched
The Runaways: The Dakota Fanning Tale of Sapphism, Drugs and Career (Re)Invention.
It was a cute pseudo-gritty pseudo-artsy all angsty story of Joan Jett (the girl from Twilight that always look like she rather be anywhere than where she is at the moment, then leave! be free! that's what I would tell her!) and Cherie Curry (Dakota motherfucking Fanning). Every time they were on screen, so basically for like 2 hrs (was it even 2? it's might been like 1 1/2 for all I know!) it was like oh you are so much more famous for playing with vampires and being a little girl.
AWKward. It was fun.
[insert: lesbionic cybertronic d-d-disco baby]

Then my friend, (oli!) and I got him some pants, went back to my place, then went to a PARTAY. IT'S A PARTY IN THE U.S.GAY. Yeah I went there.
Ironically it wasn't a gay party frownface.
It was fun. I was pleasantly surprised (re: peeing my pants a lil) to see my friend, (l.k.) whom I haven't seen in literally Fo Evz. So that was delightful.
But I was also glad that oli got along with the Oberliners that were throwing the party. Because, it's always tough to interact with people that are constantly making old joke and time specific references and then you end up just kinda standing there drinking until you just starting screaming and screaming and screaming for someone to get you out of there. only me? ok!
But oli was great and OBViously er'body was all like yo friend is awesome. Yes. and Duh.
Then we went back to mine and WINK.
Sunday was also a pleasant day. It was a HOLY-DAZE. Sunday was the day the Jesus was all like so over being dead, it wasn't even funny. And he was like you guys I'm totally back but Earth kinda sux too see ya! So DS7 and KreativeKrisis (emphasis on KRISIS!) went to a gay ole party and had gay ole drinks and talked about how gay we were (well some of us; others like to play pretend) So that was fun.
! yuuuuuuuuup!
God, that's sounds like the prompt for a 3rd grade essay assignment.
Mrs. Teacher: OK class today were are going to break into groups and write about what we did last weekend.
3rd grader: Why are we splitting up into groups?
3rd grader #2: Yeah, When we all did different things?
Mrs. Teacher: Class who here went to The Ohio State University to get their degree in Art History?
And who was forced by their mother to change because the Arts are for girls that are talented and that you should stick to something average girls excel at, so why not teacher? "Why not that hun"?
And who here had a little too much wine one night and thought "surrre we don't have to use a condom Tommy, just, you know don't finish."
And who did not have any money to as your mother would say "go to Columbus" and "Take care of it?"
And are you stuck raising a child you didn't want, in a town you hate, working at a job that leaves you weeping in your bathroom after you were sick drinking too much wine, because Tommy always buys the cheap swill?
No. So get into you groups and write about your weekends.
3rd grade class:...
[insert: i google imaged this picture with "3rd grade teacher" isn't fun to think she is saying it?]

...So what I did on my weekend was actually really fun!
Friday some coworkerz and I went to get some drankz after werk.
So we went and got some mothafuckin mahgahrahtahs up in this bitch.
We had a nice little chat (Heidi Klum says that on Project Running with Scissors!) about things and things and liberal art things and sexual health stuff and queer activism miscellany and stuff we have the privilege to talk about. But we also talked about horoscopes! And that was nice.
Later we walked across the WilliamsBLURG bridge, (yeah I know, I know STFU life) but it was really nice in that highly romanticized young! new york! experience.
[insert: we didn't look like this]

Saturday was a blerk day.
So that was filled by a haze a sleepiness whilst (<----so english RITE??) I was guzzling down any caffeine drink I could wrap my grubby monkey paws around. But things took a decidedly upward swing when a good friend (from Chicago) came! We watched
The Runaways: The Dakota Fanning Tale of Sapphism, Drugs and Career (Re)Invention.
It was a cute pseudo-gritty pseudo-artsy all angsty story of Joan Jett (the girl from Twilight that always look like she rather be anywhere than where she is at the moment, then leave! be free! that's what I would tell her!) and Cherie Curry (Dakota motherfucking Fanning). Every time they were on screen, so basically for like 2 hrs (was it even 2? it's might been like 1 1/2 for all I know!) it was like oh you are so much more famous for playing with vampires and being a little girl.
AWKward. It was fun.
[insert: lesbionic cybertronic d-d-disco baby]

Then my friend, (oli!) and I got him some pants, went back to my place, then went to a PARTAY. IT'S A PARTY IN THE U.S.GAY. Yeah I went there.
Ironically it wasn't a gay party frownface.
It was fun. I was pleasantly surprised (re: peeing my pants a lil) to see my friend, (l.k.) whom I haven't seen in literally Fo Evz. So that was delightful.
But I was also glad that oli got along with the Oberliners that were throwing the party. Because, it's always tough to interact with people that are constantly making old joke and time specific references and then you end up just kinda standing there drinking until you just starting screaming and screaming and screaming for someone to get you out of there. only me? ok!
But oli was great and OBViously er'body was all like yo friend is awesome. Yes. and Duh.
Then we went back to mine and WINK.
Sunday was also a pleasant day. It was a HOLY-DAZE. Sunday was the day the Jesus was all like so over being dead, it wasn't even funny. And he was like you guys I'm totally back but Earth kinda sux too see ya! So DS7 and KreativeKrisis (emphasis on KRISIS!) went to a gay ole party and had gay ole drinks and talked about how gay we were (well some of us; others like to play pretend) So that was fun.
! yuuuuuuuuup!
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