Monday, June 30, 2008

Don't blog angry just blog

Right, so today I had an appointment and for those not in "the know" when I say appointment, I mean audition/callback. Lucky for me this was a callback, meaning that I did decently at an audition. Unlucky for me was that my callback did not go as well as I hoped it would go and now I'm drinkin whiskey. But this isn't going to turn into some kind of pathetic cry for validation of my talent, this is going to turn into a pathetic cry for my social skills. Or social skillz as some (me, my friends, 12 year old girls) might call it. 
In my defense, I had some disadvantages, 1. I'm new to Chicago and more specifically the theatre scene here. Almost everyone seemed to know each other. And 2. I'm me. I went to a liberal arts school where awkwardness rains supreme. I'm not saying it's was all schools fault but let's just say my school has a type and I most definitely fit into that certain (awkward) type. But c'mon! What am I to do? All the coolest kids at school were awkward, they just managed to channel their awkwardness into a mask of superiority and condescension or into alcoholism, both of which were not on my side.
While everyone was talking with friends they went to college with, or knew from prior theatre stuff or were just plain friendly, there I was, sitting with them completely silent. My only contribution would have been an off-color/slightly racist/completely inappropriate comment, which I kept to myself. 
So I did my thing, and was released a little earlier then everyone else (hence the whiskey) but all I can think about is my school what it has taught me and chips and mcdoz.
sweet sweet chips and mcdoz

Sunday, June 29, 2008

PBR and Pride

Yesterday quarter-rican and I made new friends!!! OMG OMG OMG.
I mean, it was pretty exciting...I guess. Anyway, these new friends are also alum's from our over-priced liberal arts college in the middle of (sort of) nowhere. We had a very grown-up dinner party with Korean food, polite conversation, beer, Korean liquor, wine, and party games (scattagories!). Oh and our conversation took a turn for the awesome when we started talking about zombies! 

Today was the Chicago Pride Parade I went with ezaboo her mom and her boyfriend hotMess. It was actually really fun. Let me tell you, it was pretty G D gay. I think the highlight had to have been; dykes on bikes, Obama pride and of course the drag queens, soooo many drag queens. The four of us got a good spot, cracked open some PBR and watched the parade. 
Then we went to get some Ethiopian food. numnumnumnumnum.
I had a really delicious chicken dish and lentil dish and a soft cheese called Ib(?). 

Besides that, I went over to ezaboos and hotMess's house, because I have to take care of their cat while they are gone to a cabin in Minnesota? I wanna say Minnesota but it could easily be Wisconsin? I dunno one of those states that I never think about because sometimes I get them confused with cities because I my time spent at my over-priced liberal arts college, was focused on "problematizing known 'facts' and 'social-constructions'."

Oh! And be on the look-out for CHIP CLUB BLOG!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

M.I.A cover band

Recently I read that M.I.A is not going to tour for a while.
And I never had the chance to see her live. 
Double ;(
It's as if she is calling out to me to take over, to give the public what they deserve what they yearn for, a really shitty/embarrassing cover band.
quarter-rican and I were discussing our future band while we went out on the town with blueline. And by out on the town I mean to the bar that is less than a block away. But we did hear a mandolin being played...maybe he'll join the band too...
Damn today was hot too, it was one of those days where it feels like too
 much effort to do anything but watch tv, so that's what I did, I watched tv and then I went to a bar. What a big day!
I watched quality tv though, daria. That show was funny.
2 funny 4 wordz.
It brought me back to my childhood, back when mtv was still kinda cool b/c they were branching out from playing only music videos, representing those disenfranchised youth, you know, the ones that wore glasses. 
R.I.P M.T.V.
Speaking of R.I.P. I might end up working for the gap....yeah...the gap...
Also, another R.I.P. to being young and unmarried. 
My friend from home had his bachelor's party today, that I planned but could not attend b/c I am in Chicago and his in Ohio. 
That sucked. 
Yes he is getting married at 22. I'm actually really happy for him, it's just strange to think that he is going to be a married. 
Adults do that. Never mind that we graduated college, are living away from home (not just during school) and are looking for real j-o-bz, he's getting married and I have to give a speech and it's a dry wedding. 
Maybe my cover band could play during the reception?

Friday, June 27, 2008

my love is defined

This goes out to lolc*ntz and all my fellow homez(homoz?)
and there is nothing wrong with MCDOZ and anybody who loves it.
As any honest and true American would love it.
This isn't a call to arms, rather a call to indulge in delicious food that is afforadable
that not even WWJB can ignore

keep blogging and keep on keepin it real

Thursday, June 26, 2008

rebuttal (this is a "war" after all)

I have no idea why WWJB is being so aggresive!
Was he not the first to denounce the blogwarz that lolc*ntz so passionately started and that quarter-rican so cleverly advertised
And was it not our lord and friend to the homosexual, jesus christ that said to turn the other cheek? Through his writings, that is, or ummm through people that wrote stuff about him. I was never completely sure what the deal with that was.
The point being, I smell a false prophet!

meh, I guess I'll get along just fine anyway.
Nothing else really exciting has happened since the last time I blogged, like...3 hours...ago...;(
But the writer and hiker are coming tonight! I think we might even play CLUE!

happy pride month

British pride!

a compilation, if you will

Here are some pictures. I'm stealing, well i should say borrowing quarter-ricans blog idea. But she's only had one post so I feel well within my rights to do this.



When I google image searched all my blogfriends names, these came up, if not first then 2nd or 3rd.
3 out of the 4 are in the blogwarz. Maybe you want to join too OM GEEZ?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

who will win


fuck you all my newly blogging friends

fuck. you. all. 


Today was one of those days that seem to go on forever, and since the day isn't over yet, I'm going to assume that this day will indeed go on for. ever. 
The day has seemed long not because I'm busy, I mean, I'm not poppin' out babies like Jamie Lynn or nothin'. Just the opposite in fact, I'm not popping out babies, I'm really not doing much of anything. I'm looking for a job, so my funds are only depleting, I have no inflow. 
Besides that, I do have some good news; I do have another important appointment, a result of my earlier appointment. So blurg!

Quarter-rican and I have just come back from the Chicago burbs:
Somebody que "Little Boxes" by Marlvina Reynolds or possible covered by The Decemberists

It was fun. Quarter-rican and I had ribs, and cake thanks to the special occasion of LemofPin's 22 birthday! I can honestly say quarter-rican and i have never been so full since we have moved to Chicago. This is not only because we gorged ourselves but also because we are poor and pretty soon we will be forced to eat cat food, free cat food, that's given away on the streets. Please tell your friends about our poverty. 

7DS is in New York with Chikpatty, working on getting j-o-beez. 

p.s. quarter-rican and i got wireless! suck it monkeys! you can all eat my poo. 

Friday, June 20, 2008

I'd rather be ____C.Y.O.A.

Not much has happened in the last 2 days? I think?
The writer came down from where she lives and we hung out. It was great except for writer's eye, she had scratched her cornea, 7DS and I still think she's covering up for her roommate who undoubtedly viciously stabbed her in the eye. 
Quarter-rican's friend from school hung out with us too. It was pretty chill.
I have a major appointment tomorrow, which is a little daunting so hopefully I'll be able to, I dunno, do my best.
And quarter-rican has just come home and she successfully unlocked the door in less than 20 minutes!

I really should start adding pictures to more of these....?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Short breaths (breasts?)

Right, So I tried to add the link to greenporno for all my readers! 
Whom I can count off on one hand...
But I plan on expanding! No, no I'm really not.
Well quarter-rican, 7Ds and I went to the free Crystal Castles show last night.
And here is quarter-rican and 7DS themselves!
Hopefully I'm a bad enough photographer that the image is distorted enough to keep anonymity 

Sadly, due to extenuating, they did not see the show.
This show: 

and here is the Alice herself                                   

Some dude kept screaming "I love you Alice" throughout the entire show.
I'm going to assume that it was the guy in the blue shirt, simply because, unlike the other people trying to grope he is staring at her in adoration, creepy adoration.
With the strobe lights flashing and the music deafening my ears and the crowding being rowdy it was a lot of fun. 
I also met TBA's friend. She was a lot of fun, hopefully I'll hang out with her more.
The way home was not fun, as I lost my CTA card, and had no money so I walked and walked. I'm pretty sure I ended up somewhere in the South Side of Chicago, but I did end up home eventually.
Oh and 7DS ate mcdoz...I'm pretty sure he has an eating disorder, or should, fucking fatty.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sherlock Homo or C U Next Tuesday

Sadly, quarter-ricans hand is not some kind of awesome disfigured claw. It just has some blisters. 
I think I was supposed to talk about threeways in this blog. 
Threeways can be
1.) Fun
2.) Awkward
3.) Embarrassing (not as embarassing as people playing a role game)
4.) A "life-experience"
5.) Something only to be done in the moonlight
So that is all i'm going to say about threeways. But! that does lead into 
Isabella Rossellini at her finest. 
Dressing as different insects and informing the audience of their different forms of reproduction. 
"i have both"

Besides that, quarter-rican and I hung out with some bro's  but went to an awesome bar called Sovereign and wound up going to mcdoz, Chikpatty should get a kick out of that. We basically bribed people to buy us stuff from the drive-through.
If I wasn't addicted to mcdoz I'd be ashamed but their obesity causing food is forever connected to my heart. My slowly clogging heart

Monday, June 16, 2008

1, 2, 3 Degree Burns

So, today I've decided to re-dub luckygrrl to quarter-rican.
1.) Because it's funnier.
2.) Because she isn't that lucky.
Sure she got a job the first week after we moved to Chicago, get a queen sized mattress half of but she also, tonight, scalded her hand pretty badly on boiling ramen.
Oh man and this was after the sub-par chip club meeting we had last night with me, quarter-rican and DD. 
Goddamn you Quest Doritos for making the horrendous (spoiler alert!) MountainDew flavored chip. There were too many things wrong with this chip. 
flavor combinations all wrong
too sweet
and the build-up of trying to guess a new flavor was a supreme let down.
F--k you Doritos.
The flaming hot Fritos where also pretty mediocre. DD and I agree that they tasted like regular Frito's with the added annoyance of a spicy after flavour.
The only saving grace were the jalapeƱo chedder Cheetos's. solid A from my standing!

Hopefully quarter-rican's hand wont be too terribly disfigured! Right now I'm praying she'll end up with a claw of some kind....I'm imagining a lobster style claw, except with more blisters, and maybe redder and possibly more hideous. 

On the plus Crystal Castle's concert wednesday night! 

Sister Mary-Fake?

Alright, too many people blog, and I actually just heard a story on NPR (dork-alert!) that bloggers are ruining journalism . . . Thank you internet for completing the destruction of journalism as an institution!
Anyway, I'm starting this blog mostly as the follow-through to a long final year joke in Oberlin about starting a blog.
So, fuck you all my friends! Whom I will force to read this.
As I'm writing this 7DS, and I are watching Sister Act II. . . gay! DD and LCKgrrl are fast asleep. And my friend from the NorthWest who is helping me out via gchat (name TBA) is helping me, b/c I am internet retar--. . .mis-informed.
OK, so it's actually up semi-late/I know i'll be up for much longer but I'm too lazy to write anymore.
So, this blog will be my rambling about life in Chicago, chipclub, and green porno . . all these will be explained in later post