Saturday, August 14, 2010

i'm breaking my

Is this going to be an ongoing thing?

It's saturday! Once again! I'm at work! exclamation pointzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, more like

SEXclamation points?

I had a bit of a celebration last night. (SEXlebration? )I think I'm just going to randomly insert sex in words. And that friends is how a trend is started (sextarted) <- that could be two werdz!

Where was I? Yes. I had a bit of a celebration last night. And by bit I mean a lot of a celebration. becuarz I gots myself a new JOB. Still at my same place of employ but with a new job! No more SEXcretary work for me! No sir, no thank you ma'am, I'll be just fine.

So I was out at the clurb gettin' my drankz on! And then flashforward I was at home eating chicken nuggets.

Somethings are lost and can never be reclaimed. There are moments that are left or forgotten. These are the times that you can only regret because you can never remember. If a tree falls in the woods who's gonna pick up the remains of the body that the tree fell on? Things sextinue.

This thing rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreally got away from me!

So yes; new job, finishing up present job, go me.

And did I mention 3 day weekends? I mean sexkends?


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