Wednesday, November 3, 2010

yeah but yeah but why

I most (what is 1, 2?) people that ready this blog know, I like to make loud and proud proclamations (<---- that took me like 4 times to get the right spelling...i also had to use spell check...) about what I'm doing and blah blah.

I j-j-joined a gym. For the low low price of $75 you too can join your local NEW YORK CITY gym. Well state run Y...but but the one near me has a nice pool. so ey'body can suck it.

suck it hard

suck it long and hard

...ummmm this isn't that type o'blog pervert.

So yes, your truly has joined a gy-um no matter how, to use a classist and apparently kinda racist term, "podunk" it still counts. Pretty soon I'll be...all...I can't even think of an adjective of what my body will look like because unless I get a personality transplant, my xxxercise will be inconsistent at best.

I have started drinking more water, so that's something.

I have started thinking about starting eat better. So, while I'll still eat a burger and sweet potato fries, I'll feel bad about eating that meal. Sorta.


but only a little...

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