Thursday, March 25, 2010

and the sun was all

After a less than exhausting day at werk
< exhaust
I'm back at chez moi; shirtless, pants undone, mustache in full bloom; yes I'm from Oh HI Oh and it shows the most at these moments. TWIIIIST: I'm watching RuPaul Rupaul Race: Start Your RuPauls™.

They are making books n things for this episode.

Which gets me wondering what would my book be called. I only think that because I'm a RAGIN' narcissist. I'm a narwhal narcissist. That could the title:

Narwhal Narcissist: Memoirs of a Something Something Such n' Such

[insert: this is what the cover would look like]

Yes, that is a decapitated narwhal and yes, that is me and yes those are big sunglasses and yes, that picture was taken with my Macbook camera and yes, I wrote a lot of yeses (yesi) to bring awareness to my horrible writing skillz.

This is what the first two sentences of my MEMEiors:
I remember, or at least remember being told that I should remember, that I was with mon pere (french? mon dieu); near some park...near some park, near some handball courts...near some park, near some handball courts, in California just takin a lil' walk. I walked up to a dog (squee) then was bitten on the foot, hard, I was four.

Does that make you want to read it? No? That's what I thought.

and that my friends(?).



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