Wednesday, March 17, 2010

e la metodolagia

Y otra ves vi al mucho del tren. This time on the street.

I'm a street bitch baby

[insert: no not at all]

I saw him when I was WALKING HOME FROM THE TRAIN STATION yes that happened. Well, at least I think it was him? I did a double take but I'm pretty sure it was him?

Well i dunno if it was him or not but the melancholy romantic in me wants it to be him. Since it would mean that he lives near where I live and the chances of me seeing him have grown. I can also indulge in my super melancholy place, because he was with another boiz, that could be his boi'frien, but might not be, it might just be a boi that is a frien'.

So playing with the scenarios can be fun and horrible but maybe I'll run into him again and talk to him?


so it was him and that's that.

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