Thursday, April 8, 2010

shawty what yo

So you know how everyone (or most everyone (or most everyone that matters (or maybe doesn't matter (?) ya'heard! )))[<----so many paranthesiisisisissss] has preconceived notions of what a certain persons of certain professions are supposed to do.

Weeeeeeeell, maybe you don't, but I do, which is why I'm drinking and writing.
See people have been writing and drankin' for 4Evr:
Tennessee Williams
Fitzgerald and so much more!
You know Emily Dickinson was pound back the jager and girrrrrl pleeeeeease the Bronte sisters were like the women in The Jersey Shore! What?
[insert: They just wanted to live it up!]

Sorry I'm drunk.

But in the tradition of writers all over the world, here I am drankin' n writin'. Unlike the dignified scotch, I'm drinking white wine that cost me like 9 dollars. So I'm the Real Housewives of writing.

I'm dropping reality show references all over this sucker.
The Bachelor,
boom! Another one!
ummm...something...about either losing weight/being on top/winning a project or eating X-treme things or X-treme amounts of things!

See being a writer is easy.
[insert: gu'duh]


psych, it was fantasy

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